The One


New member
I have my share of nice revolvers, and I've sold or traded many more. But there is one that just took my love to the next level.

It was that gun that has it all. I wasn't even looking for a S&W 28, but there I was wondering around a small gun show, and a dealer had it on his table. It had target trigger, target hammer and was in 98% condition. Except . . . the red plastic was gone from the front sight. This, coupled with the fact that I wasn't even sure I wanted the gun, got me to get him down to $340 out the door.

And, of course, it is the best shooter of all my revolvers. The trigger is like butter. I don't know who did the work on it, but he must have been a true master. While not my first N-frame, it solidified my love of n-frames above all others. I will have this One until I die, and there aren't many guns I can say that about.


New member
I like the N frame S&W's above all others. For me the one I have that I will never sell is my late 50's vintage Model 29. It has the best trigger of any revolver I have ever owned.



New member
Everyone who thinks the Python is the pinnacle of revolvers needs to shoot a N frame 357. Seems to be a lot of people who agree on Smith 357s. I know mine have all been great.

S&W 357 magnums...since 1935, the orginal 357, and still the best.

Flint Ridge

New member
Oh, the 28's - tasty goodness for sure. Mine with the wrong grips obviously. I should at least swap between the 4" and the 6" I presume.



44 AMP

My favorite DA revolver is a 6" S&W model 28. My father had one, and for decades, it was the "cannon" of the house.

M28s did not come with Target Hammers or Triggers, or red ramp white outline rear sights from the factory. Quite a few did get Target Hammers & Triggers from S&W authorised dealerships before they got sold, as back in the 60s & 70s S&W sold those parts in blister packs, and some shops would install them to enhance the "budget" gun.

I have one of those, bought new in the box, but fitted with the TH & TT. I know it was done at the shop that sold it, before the sale, because the S&W box doesn't list them on the label, which it would have, had it been done at the factory.

I actually prefer the "satin blue" of the M28 to the "deep luster blue" of the M27 or 29. There is no other common revolver that combines all the features and price of the M28. Sadly the price has skyrocketed recently, and a Highway Patrolman (in any condition above "abused") for $340 is a steal in my area. The last couple shows I've been to a pristine M28 is close to double that.


New member
Everyone who thinks the Python is the pinnacle of revolvers needs to shoot a N frame 357. Seems to be a lot of people who agree on Smith 357s. I know mine have all been great.

I've got both, and I'd tend to rate them about the same. I probably "like" the Python a little better, but only because I wanted one longer. I've owned three 27's, including a five screw "pre-27" but sold two of them in my great gun drawdown. If there is a practical difference, I can't tell it.




New member
I actually prefer the "satin blue" of the M28 to the "deep luster blue" of the M27 or 29.

As much as I like my Model 28, if someone was foolish enough to trade me for it even up for a Model 27 in the same condition, I wouldn't hesitate for a nano-second. I love that old-time Smith "Bright Blue" finish.