The one problem gun-banners have

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus

Look at this picture reminds me the usual question I have for the antis: "People already have guns and want to keep them. Now what?"

They tend to either say "not much we can do" or "make them not wan tto have guns" or (most frequently) "take them by force!" Go from there to make them realize the contradiction of their own position...ostensibly against violence but leading to it quite directly.


New member
The trouble, of course, is that they've already figured out the answer to this one. You can keep what you have, they'll just work to make illegal to get any more. And eventually, illegal or prohibitively expensive to get ammuniton or components.

Of course, all that really means is that by the time it comes to open conflict (if ever) the Molon Labe folks will be a generation or two behind the technology curve for the first few months of the conflict. But then.... a 1950's Remington deer gun looks an awful lot like an M40 to me.... :D

Heck, for that matter the local black powder guys are shooting repro Sharps at ranges that would make most EBR devotees cringe. I'd say a dug up Colt SAA in 2109 would be more effective than a Liberator pistol, whether the Ninjaboys are using blasters yet or not.



New member
The real problem that the antis have

Even if they manage to repeal the Second Amendment, they face the myriad Constitutions of the states that use the unambiguous language of "person", "individual", "his", "their", etc. There are 32 states that have an individual right to arms in their Constitutions.

I guess the antis will have to move to the other 18.


New member
O.K., I've read it several times and I am still confused. Just how exactly are the antis being contradictory???

There is a position that favors violence. They will use violence to enforce their will as they have in other countries and now here in this country.

"Safety", "crime", "the children" is nothing more than a smokescreen for their violent agenda. I need help understanding this one.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
It helps to separate the "ends justify means" psychos from the "useful idiots" who might be rehabilitated if they understood what they were really advocating.


New member
I dont have a clue as to what kind of rifle she is holding. I know little, if anything about rifles. What type of rifle is that? :rolleyes: Thanks.


New member
Looks like a Spanish Civil Guards Mauser converted to .308 when Spain joined NATO. A few years back, they were fairly common, then dried up. :(

The anti's realize their position: it is the same stance taken by other totalitarian regimes in history. They wish to impose their will upon the country through the force of arms, which would be a tremendously difficult task if their henchmen were sent home in body bags.
Solzhenitsyn, in the 1st volume of "The Gulag Archipelago", speculates after his detention on the effect armed resistance would have had upon the NKVD's arrests: " And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive & had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood that they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?" He continues further: "The Organs ( being the NKVD) would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!" ( Taken verbatim from "The Gulag Archipelago", Vol 1, p. 13).
It is clear what a passive attitude creates, sheep led to the slaughter. We, however, are in the historically unique situation of possessing the effective means of resistance. Like Kaylee said, even an old single action beats a Liberator, and there were tons of gutsy Phillipinoes who used those things to get an Arisaka & some ammo to use later. :)


New member
another problem... and I would love to get a picture of this.
But the next time one of these anti groups is having a rally...
Could someone get a picture of an officer standing guard (as police tend to be on site and guard ANY large gathering of people)
Perhaps a good picture of a guard standing there with his side arm in plain site of an anti slogan sign.
That would be a perfect example of their hipocracy... here stands a man/woman with a side arm ready to protect this bunch.. as they claim guns have no valid use.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
If somebody could email me high-resolution minimally compressed photos of anti-RKBA rallies, I will make a poster like this. I have plenty of police images which I could add to the overall view.


New member
EVERY single anti-gun rally/meeting that I have been to, I've seen a police officer watching the proceedings. There was the MMM in Sacramento, where some MMM people tried to pick a fight with the SAS people. There was the Santa Clara MMM meeting where the chapter president (that works at Cisco) admitted that there was a plainclothes police officer standing watch downstairs.

Most of the gun group meetings that I have been to, do not have a police officer watching the proceedings. Never seen a uniformed police officer stand outside or inside of a NRA members council meeting.

(I think there are police officers in the NRA meetings, but they are inside, and they are NRA members too!) :D :D :D