The Obama hold over

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James Comey, head of the FBI, has to be fired and replaced, at once. Can President Trump do that, on his own?

The people who leaked the un-masked names of US Citizens, to the news media, need to go to jail for 10 years. Susan Rice first.

Watched a second in command, of the FBI speak on air, last night. About the killing of the Police Officer in Paris. The criminal/Terrorist, and the Police, armed with rifles? Hence not wounded! Two dead. One of the good guys, scratch one bad guy.

Not live face seen, just his voice. Not a smarmy snide person like Comey.

So again, can Comey be fired?

Spats McGee

In theory, yes. The DOJ, of which the FBI is a part*, is an executive branch agency, so President Trump should be able to fire the head. But I said "in theory," because the fed gov't has about 18 bazillion different statutes, rules and regulations under which they operate. Some of those make it very difficult to fire someone, which means that transfer may be easier than firing.

*=It's early and pre-coffee for me, but I'm moderately sure this is right.


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It's early and pre-coffee for me, ...

At that level, I don't believe any of those ordinary protections apply.

By tradition and practice, the FBI stands beyond presidential political retribution, with the notable exception of WJC's firing of Sessions after Sessions refused to resign halfway through his term. The accusation was that Sessions had misused resources for his own benefit.

I believe the true obstacle to dismissing the FBI director is political. First, switching out the existing director for your own raises questions about why you want to do that. It is easy for your detractors to charge you with intimidating the FBI because you know you did something wrong. Second, you will need to get any replacement confirmed by the senate. Even where the senate shows a majority of the president's party, it isn't a foregone conclusion that they will approve a transparently political move.

If the current exec is looking to spend political capital, there are likely other actions that would show a better return on investment. That's my post-morning insomnia, post-coffee, pre-telephone calls take.
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New member
The people who leaked the un-masked names of US Citizens, to the news media, need to go to jail for 10 years. Susan Rice first.

Do you have evidence to support your statement?

Firing Comey is possible, but would politically be an epically bad idea, Church Commission investigation level bad.


New member
How about moving him to a position that has not got the power he has, where he is now. But a nice safe place.

In charge of cactus damage patrol? Issue two nice horses, and a single action Colt 45? Six shooter. And monitor his communications!

But he is a crook!


New member
Thats not how it works, and its been designed to stop just that sort of thing as he has a fixed term and the legislation put in place due to previous scandals.

Note I am no fan of his behavior. Firing the guy who is investigation you is not going to work however.


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I'm trying to find the L&CR relevancy of this pile of BS thread, or even a little bit of gun related anything. And I just can't.


New member
Well it can be closed down, yes? But the bias against the lawfully elected President Trump, by Comey is massively evident.

All of the news media is against him as well. Eight years of no action Obama, now, when a genuine effort to drain the swamp, is being attempted?

All the people who see their free rides being threatened, jump on the bandwagon. What a shame.

I think my question has been answered, not such a good idea to fire Comey.
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