"The Nuge" speaks out


New member
Whats the word??? oh yeah, BALLS... thank god someone still has them and is in a position to prove it by saying what should be painfully obvious to everyone that wants a free country.


Ted Nugent, and people like him, do more damage to our cause(gun ownership) than Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guliani. The guy is an idiot and doesn't even realise how stupid he is.


New member
Ted Nugent, and people like him, do more damage to our cause(gun ownership) than Hillary Clinton or Rudy Guliani. The guy is an idiot and doesn't even realise how stupid he is.

I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from. Is he suppossed to 'water' down his beliefs becasue he may offend someone?


Well, most of what he says is just wrong, so he is either stupid or ignorant, I tend to believe he is both.

The Tourist

Justme said:
people like him, do more damage to our cause

Well then, we better not let the lefties find out about people like The Framers or their words in The Federalist Papers. That would really tick them off.


New member
If you listened to the video clip he makes a very compelling logical argument for the Second Amendment and Self Defense. He isn't advocating anything that would be illegal under the castle defense doctrine laws many states now have. He is a little rough around the edges but I cant say as I disagree with him. He is certainly not an idiot.

My vote is with UncleTed.


New member

Well, most of what he says is just wrong...

Care to elaborate? I agree with everything he said and he made me smile.


New member
Some of the responses leads me to believe that there are a few here who do not quite understand the concepts of free speech and no infringement.

The antis continually offend me by their constant efforts to undermine my RKBA and label my free speech in support of my civil rights as hate speech.

Why should one who holds the full BOR and the constitution near and dear worry about offending the antis? They never allow facts to persuade them and almost always use feelings to justify their actions.


Am I the only person who thinks that the 2A is not an adequate concealed carry permit? That is what Ted said in his little diatribe. I suggest that using that argument could well land you in jail and indicates a lack of understanding of the law. Ted is not the sharpest tool in the shed, but he is a tool. Support him if you want but be aware that his brand of extremism and confrontation does more harm than good.

Diplomacy and tact have been used quite succesfully over the past 5 -10 years to pass concealed carry laws in many states and get some public support for things like castle doctrine and such, Ted seems intent on taking us back to the politics of the 1980s when the American Legion lost so much credibility by calling ATF agents "jack booted thugs".

I am fequently embrassed by comments that people like Ted make. I live in the upper middle class of business owners, doctors, lawyers and soccer moms, the people with the money and power in this country. No laws get passed in this country without the support of this demographic. So I go about my business being a responsible gun owner and quietly convince my friends that not all gun owners are from the lunatic fringe and along comes Ted and undoes all my work in one interview.

Overprotective soccer moms are self defense gun owners natural allies, people like Ted push them into the waiting arms of the million mom march people.


New member
Justme, I also live in an upper middle class area in Washington. Not Seattle, but in a city that has the highest percent of phD's in the nation (nuclear scientists). Believe me, the mood here is not one of placation – the second ammendment is alive and well and bent on being protected. I suppose Ohio isn't a national bellwether. You can't fight loud with quiet!

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Justme said:
I live in the upper middle class of business owners, doctors, lawyers and soccer moms, the people with the money and power in this country. No laws get passed in this country without the support of this demographic.
That very same demographic is also responsible for some of the most repressive laws within their States and within this country... Or have you forgotten that?

Personally, I wouldn't be so proud of such an affiliation.


New member
I do believe that the Second Ammendment to our Bill of Rights says specifically the right to "keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"

Sounds like enough of a CCW permit to me, though I have paid the exorbitant fees and jumped through the beaurocratic hoops here in NC to be legal about mine.

As to being part of the upper crust of society, it is that demographic who insists upon mandatory 75.00 classes and 90.00 application fees along with 3 month waiting periods just to get a CCW permit to ensure that the unwashed masses of the working class can't have ready access to the tools needed to defend themselves.

I work hard and earn a good living for my family, but some of this nonsense is difficult for me to financially bear at times.


New member
the highest percent of phD's in the nation (nuclear scientists)

The Triangle area here in NC is about the same, more PhD's and M.D's per capita than most areas in the nation. Also a very liberal area even though in the heart of NC and most do not have a very high opinion of civilian gun ownership.