
New member
I`m glad they are not letting up on the liar and chief!That has been my only complaint about them in the past is that they seemed to not want to rock the boat.They seem energized and on fire as of late.I just saw Lapierre on WAGA TV 5 fox here in GA. and they actually let him get in a few statements .

God Bless The NRA and her members



New member
The nra in the past has been very complacent in the past. It's like our current politicians who wont take a stand on anything, before they take a poll. Now with membership rising so quickly, and people calling in to the nra to let them know they like it. I think Wayne has gotten more confident knowing thats what the members want to hear. I am sure he has pissed off some members, but I think we would all agree we are probably better of with those kind of people. Wayne keep the heat on!


New member
It's about time somebody there got some testicular fortitude!!!! :)

The only justice for a traitor is at the end of a rope!!!!
Off my meds (quit smoking), armed to the teeth, and loose on an unsuspecting society!!!

[This message has been edited by denfoote (edited March 20, 2000).]


New member
I personaly think Wayne overdid it a little.While I agree with him for the most part I think it will turn off a lot of people who are in the middle.He could have conveyed the same point in a way that would have made less people angry.


New member
I had stopped donating to the NRA for the past year or so, but the I included a good donation when I got their latest request, with a note that I appreciated their stiffened spine. Keep it up, and don't be swayed by the whiners who say it was too extreme. Klintoon does not mind getting to the scene of the latest school shooting almost before the ambulance does, and starts to call for more laws which could not possibly stop what just happened. And he does it with a straight face, too.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Testicular Fortitude - yes indeed. I was pleased to see no punches being pulled for the sake of politeness. Clinton didnt... Wayne gave as good as he got. Dont think anyone really came out on top but he did make some folks think "Hmmmmm" for a few moments. Thats a start.


New member
I must admit that I have not been a big fan of LaPierre,but even though as some put it he may not be a polished debater. I give him a lot of credit for speaking his mind and saying what a lot of people think and won't or don't want to believe. Same goes for Mr. Heston. It was time for the NRA to speak out as such.Long past due in my opinion. People that don't believe any Politician will do this is living in LA LA land, because it is all a game to them. It's about polls and numbers.And making the American public believe that they are doing for them everything that they want so they can get re-elected again. Each President in the past has done their dirty deeds,we just never fully heard about them,but it was all part of their game,whatever it takes, it will be good for America and what the people don't know won't hurt. Thats politics and people don't want to believe that. Clinton got something blown back in his face and he didn't like it. Too Bad. He has slumped to all time lows before and everytime came back smelling like a rose. I enjoy watching how fast his lackeys come out to clean him up, I guess they didn't do such a good job on the Dress.This was long past due and I applaud them for whatever its worth and I will stay a member of the NRA for a long time to come. For those that can't except this ? Well I believe you better wake up because you are in for a rude awakening someday. Politics is Politics and its a low down dirty game.
For what its worth :)

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.