The NRA should sponsor a bounty on Bin Laden's head.


New member
What if the NRA provided a member-funded bounty on the head of Bin Laden? A contribution of $25 per member times 4 million members would equal $100 million dollars.

A condition of the contribution would be that members would be encouraged to first make an equal or greater contribution to a relief fund concerned with aiding the victims of the attack, and perhaps that could also be administrated by the NRA. A pledge to donate blood within one month of this donation might also be a good idea.

The bounty could be paid based on independent or government verification of Bin Laden's identity, dead or alive.

I think some of his "loyal" friends would reevaluate their support of this lunatic, and opt for the cash instead.

This idea would send a poweful message to the U.S. and the world about our absolute lack of tolerance for terrorism and our compassion for the victims. It would demonstrate that gun owners are the good guys, and allow those of us feeling helpless about the situation to do something concrete.



PS/ Anybody with good NRA connections out there, please forward this idea if you find it worthy.

Big B

New member
he government already has a 5 million dollar bounty on his head. Thats good enough for me. Where's my M16
I'd rather see the NRA play its classical role in training folks in the principles of marksmanship as it will make better soldiers of our citizens.


New member
Stupid Idea....................

Reward money for ANY terrorist, even if turned in, would only serve to fund OTHERS for the same thing................
Our Government should see this should we.


New member
Um, okay. Let's not provide any additional incentive for those who have access to this mass murderer to turn him in. We'll just depend completely on military action like we did against Saddam (I was there, and it worked just great), and protract the campaign while we are systematically stripped of our liberties in the name of safety and securtiy.

Sounds "not stupid" to me :rolleyes:

Mod's - please lock this thread. Infighting is pointless.