"The NRA is genius; the ACLU look like fools" (WTC)


New member
I was listening to the radio show "Loveline" last night with Adam Corolla and Dr. Drew Penski (Hey, it was the only station that came in out in the middle of nowhere).
These guys are on the liberal side on most issues. Therefore I was surprised that they pointed out that the liberals and the ACLU were the ones that made these terrorist attacks so easy by fighting profiling and opening up our borders etc....and now the liberal infested cities are the ones getting attacked. They pointed out that the terrorists are attacking their friends and that the liberals will be sorry for their agendas. They also said that the NRA is "looking like a bunch opf geniuses right now" except for the small detail that "Chuck Heston predicted it would be our own government instead of middle eastern terrorists".

I think it is great that people are opening their eyes all over. The humanist liberal agendas go too far in hampering our defenses, and so many Americans are losing their innocents now and realizing that sometimes the governement can't protect you, only you can.


New member
i listen to that show fairly often

but missed it then.

i remember one episode with Pang Pang,the knife salesman :D