The North American Union and the beginning of the end of US Sovereignty, marches on


New member
Don't know if this has been covered here or not . But it should be of concern to every American regardless of your political party affiliations. This is a BIG step towards the end of the USA as we know it and move towards world government , disarmament and as Bush Sr put it ... New World Order.


New member
A nation of cowards indeed...

And we let our government take away our rights. First with the Patriot Act, and with torture of prisoners which dishonored us as a nation, now this "North American Union". Will we not stand up and tell those idiots all snuggled in their easy chairs that the People will not stand for it? Nowadays anyone can be labled "terrorist" for protesting strongly against the government, do people fail to realize if someone wants to seriously harm others they will? Will it take another civil war just to set things straight again? Franklin once said, "Those who give up essential liberties for security deserve neither!" Wasn't it the Second Amendment that gave us power to protect the Constitution should political action fail when protesting a government that is un-Constitutional? We have failed to live accordingly to the ways the Founding Fathers intended for us to live by letting absurd laws such as the Patriot Act rape the Bill of Rights!! THE BILL OF RIGHTS, OUR INALIENABLE RIGHTS HAVE JUST BEEN ALIENATED!! Secret trials? No right to lawyers? Unreasonable/unwarranted seach and siezures? How can I call this country free when such a law has been passed? And what will happen the day they decide that we as a people are no longer fit to be an armed society? You be the judge on that one.


P.S: Flame suit on!


New member
Ain'tcha ever heard of the old Pan American Union? They wouldn't let Marion Anderson sing there.

Or is this a state's rights thing?