The Nigerian Scam, or... I just feel evil!

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New member
Okay - got one of 'em.

And I was bored.

What do you think the ol' pucker factor will kick to when they see this?


My firm will be happy to represent you in this matter. Please deposit a retainer of $10,000 via paypal to cover initial research expenses, travel, etc. Will you require bodyguards and/or mercenaries? Light weaponry may be arranged, up to mortars, squad assault weapons, and small anti-armor rifles and missiles, but depending upon events, we shall likely require a source to acquire artillery and/or armor once we enter the country. Our IT staff has traced your e-mail, and one of our captains should be visiting you - more a sales call than anything, I suppose. We are looking forward to assisting you with your difficulties.


Col. Charles Bogandru, Esq. (ret)


New member
One of the candidates for the new Pope is from Nigeria !!!!!!! :eek: Those scams have been around for 25 years and are nigeria's fifth largest industries ! :(


New member
I just always delete them, but after visiting the website, I think I might play with them a bit. I like the first post from bogie, but I think it should be more subdued so as to get the highest possible laugh value. I wish I could hear from Mguba Mtempta and the Nigerian Oil ministry again so that I can play along.

I felt like I was getting scammed the other night when I was looking for a Kitchenaid Mixmaster (OK- I'm out of the closet now! I have been lusting for one for some time to use as a meat grinder), when a popup message came around and said I could win one if I filled out a survey. The survey went through several pages asking what brand of cigarettes I smoked, if I want free offers from company Y or X, and other stuff that seemed almost legitimate (the guy even used logos that were entirely correct, as well as good ad development).

The final page said that to get the mixer, you had to respond to two of the 12 offers below. Each one required you to use a credit card #, and expiration date to cover the $2.00 handling charge.

Heck, I still don't know if it was legit, but I NEVER give out a credit card over the phone. If it is a scam (high probability), then it is a good one as it becomes a one-way scam that you can't really go after.
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