The next hot spot: Spain vs. Morocco


New member
Spain Kicks Moroccan Soldiers Off Island

RABAT, Morocco (AP) 7/17/02 – Morocco demanded the immediate withdrawal of Spanish forces from a tiny, disputed Mediterranean island, saying today that it was an "integral part" of Moroccan territory. Earlier today, Spanish forces evicted a unit of Moroccan soldiers from the island, which Spain calls Perejil and Morocco calls Leila. Morocco said the Spanish move was an act of aggression. The standoff began last Thursday, when a security force of 12 Moroccans landed on the soccer-field-sized island, set up tents and raised their national flag. The island has belonged to Spain since 1668, but is claimed by Morocco.

More: Spain forces Moroccan troops off island (Reuters).

"Two Spanish flags could be seen flying over the islet, some 300 metres by 500 metres in size and just 200 metres off mainland Morocco, and three Spanish naval ships and a small civil guard boat were nearby."


New member
Great! I can see the headlines now. "World ends as nuclear superpowers gets sucked into a nuclear exchange over football sized island." Actually, I love how alot of countries overseas are suddenly taking the opportunity to settle some problems.
More pride involved than anything else. However, people will probably die for a spot of land because politicians on each side have their egos & "face" to preserve. Gotta solution though. Nuke it so no one can use it or want it.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Look at the war China and USSR had in the late 60s over an Amur River island...the disputed land got so pockmarked it ended up submerged!

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Somehow I don't think Morocco will attack its primary trading partner, its major source of foreign investment, and its largest source of foreign aid. Not to mention the rather lopsided difference in the two militaries. But then, on the other hand, governments are involved...and governments don't have a history of logic.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
An island that size, right on the coast? Have 'em both pull out and we'll send a B-52 in. Then there's no issue left!
(We will refer to this as "The Oleg Protocol.")


New member
Hmmm, if all Morocco wanted was the island, why not just parachute a guy with a yellow blazer into Madrid?

"Abdul, that real estate is hot. Call the attorney and have him draft an Offer to Purchase. Pay him his fee of 4 carpets and a camel up front."