The newest type of Assault Weapon


New member

my whole backyard would suffice as a massive arsenal. i may need a permit.


New member
Seems to me I remember a story about a giant a shepherd boy and a sling with a rock.................................


New member
I'm not sure I would try getting on an airliner with those....

TSA would probably have a stroke and have to call all kinds of higher ups to determine if they are legal and such.


New member
Seems to me I remember a story about a giant a shepherd boy and a sling with a rock.................................

Yeah, but Goliath did not have an assult rifle to shoot at David with!!!

I can hear it now..."WHAT THE @#@#!...YOU BROUGHT A BOX OF ROCKS TO A GUN FIGHT!!!


New member
Alas, even the pet rock has morphed into an object of violence...What is the world coming to?


New member
That is the small, concealed carry version. You have to give up stopping power to get lighter weight. I like the home defense version. It is less portable but has more stopping power.



New member
There is an improved model of the assault rock, it is called the assault lock. The assault lock is a refined version of the assault rock. The only drawback to the assault lock is that it has the hillary hole.


A number of years ago my Scout Plt was in manuvers against a Tank Platoon. One of the tankers was having fun charging toward our Track and hitting them so they would throw track. In some rough terrain one of my gunners who had had it with changing track waited, when the tank got close he could see the driver with his hstch open. My scout nailed the wise ass in the CVC with a nice sized rock. The Tank driver went under, out cold.
I was called into the orderly room and asked to explain why and how. I told him we used a ****. Thrown Weapon Anti Tank. I have the rock on my desk now.
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