The New South African Firearms Control Act - How it Affects citizens


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The New South African Firearms Control Act - How it Affects citizens

From: South African Firearm Forum

Common Questions and Answers
If you think you cannot do anything to protect your firearm ownership future, think again, read this and discover what you can do.

How does the Firearm Act impact on all South Africans?

There are aspects of this Act which also affect those who do not own firearms. These include:

-The right for the Police to search any premises, vehicle or persons without a search warrant.
-allows the taking of finger prints and DNA samples without charges being laid.
-If an unlicenced firearm or ammunition is found on your premises, you are presumed guilty and must prove innocence.
-You do not have the right to silence.

How many firearms will we be allowed to have?

-Self-defense:- One handgun.
-Restricted self-defense:- (must prove that a handgun is insufficient) one shotgun not automatic or semi-automatic rifle.
-Occasional hunter or sports person:- Four in total including any for self-defense. Limited to maximum two handguns and no semi auto rifles or shotguns.
-Dedicated sports person, hunter or collector:- Not limited provided need is proven.

Will I lose any of my existing firearms?
-Yes, if you possess firearms in excess of those permitted above these firearms will be declared "excess" and must be disposed of within 60 days.

Is there anything else I will lose?
-Yes. Certain parts of firearms (frames, slides, receivers, actions) will now be deemed to be firearms and must be licensed. These licences will be included as part of the limits imposed.

Will ammunition be limited?
-Yes, as well as primers which will now be considered to be ammunition.
-You may not have more than 200 rounds or 2400 primers per licence in your possession at any time


New member
Time for the sane, educated folk of all colors to get out of South Africa. This is just the first step. Look to Zimbabwe for an example of what SA will be in another decade. Leave the lunatics and commies who are taking over to drown in their own blood, I say.

Scott Conklin

New member
Leave and go...where? The US is what? Five years behind this, max? Might as well stay and shoot whomever tries to enforce it. At least one gets a little satisfaction that way.

Mr. James

New member
South Africa is one of the most beautiful lands on God's earth. And one of the most tragic. I won't defend apartheid but, golly, Nelson and Thabo have done such a smashing good job!!

South Africa - the latest socialist African kleptocracy and welfare state. What a waste. The last time I was there (2000), the remaining whites had one foot in Zuid Afrika and one in New Zealand.

2nd Amendment: Amen (see the sig. line).

Jim March

New member
We are NOT five years away from this. Not hardly. Jeez, we're actually *winning*, MI just turned shall-issue, one way or the other Ohio is close.



New member
South Africa's new law is remarkably similar to Israel's much touted firearms law.It still looks like it's easier to obtain a hunting rifle in South Africa,though.


I share Paul K's sentiments regarding the horror that is South Africa's firearms law.

We are NOT five years away from this. Not hardly. Jeez, we're actually *winning*...

States permitting their subjects to carry concealed is not everything to everyone. If brings its definition of "assault weapon" in line with CA's, pulls the same grandfathering crap, and criminalizes transfers of grandfathered weapons to civilians, all bets are off as far as I'm concerned. That would more than offset any advantage from individual states going shall-issue.

Scott Conklin

New member
I'm sorry, Jim. You may be right. What, Gore could be president in 2004 and if the Dems moved quickly they could be instituting Draconian legislation in six months. Figure a year after that to see practical application...

OK, we may only be three and a half years behind.

CCW is not all things. It is, in fact, not much of anything. Permission from the State to do what you already have an acknowledged Right to do. I appreciate the practicality of not being hounded by bored cops but I am not going to be dazzled by any supposed deeper meaning. We are NOT winning. We are treading water for a short while, that's all.