The New FN Mod 70 Vs ...


New member
I may be getting another hunting (white-tail) bolt gun in the near future. It will be in .270. For those of you who are particualrly found of the Mod 70, why would you chose this model over others such as the 700, etc?

Also, if I do go with the M70, I am sure it will be if I will go for the featherweight or the sporter.


New member
I have no problem with the Rem M-700, but in my opinion, it cannot compete with the New FN Model 70, "out of the box" as a hunting rifle.

Do a search, I've posted my experience with the new Model 70, and mine is the 270 Featherweight Limited Edition.

I would suggest you go to a gunstore, pick up and examine the New Model 70, compairing it to to the Model 700 and other Out of the Box Hunting rifles. Dry fire them, check out the triggers on each.

Its my opinion the New Model 70 is the best off the rack, production rifle I've seen. But check for yourself before you buy.

I think that will answer your questions.


New member
I have no problem with the Rem M-700, but in my opinion, it cannot compete with the New FN Model 70, "out of the box" as a hunting rifle.

Do a search, I've posted my experience with the new Model 70, and mine is the 270 Featherweight Limited Edition.

I would suggest you go to a gunstore, pick up and examine the New Model 70, compairing it to to the Model 700 and other Out of the Box Hunting rifles. Dry fire them, check out the triggers on each.

Its my opinion the New Model 70 is the best off the rack, production rifle I've seen. But check for yourself before you buy.

I think that will answer your questions

Beleive it or not, I started this thread with you in mind. I've had my own Mod 70 in 30/06 and Mod 700 in .270, as well as a Browning A-Bolt, and a Ruger M77 or two. All good guns. I sold the Mod 70. It was a post 64, I bought in about 1970. It would shoot a five shot group under 3/4" with Sierra 165's and H4831. But I for some reason, I didn't like it. Perhaps it was the quality of Winchesters at that time - poor fit and finish.

Anyway, I have held a new Featherweight, and it is nice, much nicer than the Mod 70 I once owned.

I was just looking for opinions, but most of all, why. Why and for what reasons do those who like the new Mod 70 make that purchase?


New member
I always wanted a featherweight and after reading review from people who got them I decide to buy one.Theres not much gun dealer around here so I got it from mail order without even seeing it but I'm not disapointed because it got a very nice piece of wood and it seem really well made.The action is really really smooth and the triger is very crisp as well.


New member
Last night, I was trying to decide on what scope to put on it.

2-7 up to 3-9 power, good glass starting at $200 and up for the scope is my recomendation. No need to get a nice trim looking rifle and put an oversized scope on it. 2.5-8X36 Leupold VX3 would be my top choice of hunting scope, I have the VXIII model and it is by far the best hunting optics I have mounted on any of my rifles.


New member
I never paid more than $350 for a base model VXIII scope, but my source has since moved from AK to MT and he hasn't reopend for business yet. Search the web recently ones with the standard duplex reticle were selling as low as $329. The new VX3 seems to be selling for $429 with standard duplex reticle.

There are a lot of good scopes out there this one is just my favorite and it isn't the cheapest by far. I just find that it has the best balance of all the features I want in a rifle scope for hunting. You would be hard pressed to find a better scope for hunting at normal hunting ranges IMO.