The mule driver and the comode plunger

Tom B

New member
T. Lott couldn't lead a Mississippi mule to a watering hole and Hastert's lips pull more of a vacuum than a comode plunger! Sigh...but I guess I must vote Republican again.


New member
Vote Libertarian! Guarantee Al Gore gets elected!

Try building a third party when our rights are reasonably safe and secure. Ya'll tried it back in '92 with the Reform Party and we ended up with Clinton.


New member
Here is a political analogy
Gore:Bush as Hard and fast:soft and slow.

No matter who gets elected we are going to get Feed real bad. Gore will charge for the KY while Bush might take it easy on us. Remember that unless we kick everyone out this November, there will still be gun control legislation. The more I think about it the closer I come to accepting the argument that we should all vote for Gore and get it over with while we are still young and have some energy.

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein

Jack 99

New member
I always thought Lott wasn't too bad as far as Politicians go.

Do we have to go down this road again?

Vote your conscience, don't let anyone talk you out of it. A vote for Browne is a vote for Browne, not a vote for Gore.


New member
This is becoming the legal/political version of the "what gun is best for home defense?" post. Gore is going to take his win as a mandate for every gun control proposal that HCI can come up with. After watching Bush's statement the other night regarding the Gary Graham execution, I think he could be persuaded to stand firm. Watching Harry Browne on "Hannity and Colmes," I was struck by the fact that this guy could _never_ be elected to any position. Pat Buchanan has a better chance, as does Alan Keyes.

Want to send Bush a message? Sign the petition at and send the link to every gun owner you know.


Staff Emeritus
Someone is going to have to explain to me how voting for Hastert and/or Lott involves the Presidential election.

Does that state limit citizens to only voting along party lines?


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited June 29, 2000).]


New member
I heard that Al Gore said he invented the hand gun . And that he's sorry .



New member
I heard Gore visited TFL and said that he was sorry he invented the Internet.(Of course when asked about the lost e-mails, he admitted that he didn't know much about computers.) John

Jack 99

New member

From the original post:

"but I guess I must vote Republican again."

Implying that the Repubs representing him were a lesser of 2 evils. Thus we go down this road again.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Well, not really. You can always vote Libertarian.[/quote]

I want a third party option and most of my beliefs line up with the Libertarians.

But "it's the Supreme Court, stupid." There really is no way on God's green earth that we will put a Libertarian into the White House this year and I'm too much of a realist to be convinced otherwise.

So I plan to vote Libertarian for every office except that of president. That is my concession to reality; I think of it as a vote against Gore. And Georgedub ain't too bad.


"When stupidity is a sufficient explanation, there is no need to have recourse to any other." -- Mitchell Ulmann


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Try building a third party when our rights are reasonably safe and secure. [/quote]
No offense, but you expect that to happen...when?