The Mini-Machine gun video


New member
check out some of the comments on that video. it's actually pretty funny.

Sorry gang...its can buy one of these at the KB store with a link belt...throw in some nice sound effects...where was the muzzle flash or for that matter, any kind of smoke or anything coming out of that barrell? This little weapon also wouldve vibrated a bit more putting those "rounds" through their so fast! ...

yeah, it's gotta be fake cause you can't see the 17/100th of an inch projectiles traveling at 2700 fps! and no flame coming out the barrell! yep gotta be fake


New member
Given that it's apparently chambered for .17 Mach2 the blueprints probably exist for a scaled down MG in .22 caliber. Some modifications for the .17 are required, but shouldn't be too many.

Now... with it's size, a pistol grip and.... nah, that darn belt feed would get in the way for CCW. :D