The Middle East Primer


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Q. What is Al Qaeda’s desired end-state?

A. The ultimate objective of Al-Qaeda is the overthrow of the Western-supported corrupt governments of the Middle East, and their replacement by radical Islamic theocracies along the lines of the Taliban in Afghanistan. They are particularly interested in overthrowing the Saudi government.

Q. But wait, aren’t the Saudis radical Islamics already?

A. You would think so, but not radical enough. For one thing, they support the U.S. (sort of), and more to the point they host our military forces. Our presence in the region stifles change of the sort that Al-Qaeda wants to happen, and also offends religious sensibilities of the nuttier sorts, which are plentiful. Since our presence has about ZERO effect on religious observances in Saudi Arabia, this may seem stupid, but radicals aren’t known for dwelling on logical details. Regardless, Saudi Arabia is sort of a combination target, ally and recruiting ground for Al-Qaeda. If that confuses you, hang on.

Q. Why are we even involved in the Middle East?

A. Well, it is in our material interest to do so, at least in theory, because that’s where a lot of the cheap oil is. But since everything we do there seems to offend somebody horribly, it all seems like a horrible waste regardless. Horribly offending people with oil also makes them charge higher prices for it, oops.

Q. But all those corrupt Arab regimes at least like us, right? We give them billions of dollars, don’t we?

A. Oh yeah, and lots of weapons besides. We are the Sugar Daddy of the Middle East. Except they hate us, because we are the Sugar Daddy of Israel, too. We give cash and guns in huge quantities to both sides, with the end result that both sides do what they want, and the Arab populations all hate us because we support Israel AND their sleazy governments, even though their sleazy governments hate Israel, too. Israel is like a bad date, which alternately ignores you, treats you nice, and asks for you to buy them stuff from Lockheed-Martin (since Tiffany’s doesn’t make cluster bombs). But at least sometimes they give us the foreign-relations equivalent of a hickey.

To make matters worse, most of the dictatorships regularly crack down on their more radical Islamic elements, but they do a bad job of it, which just makes them more radical and hate us and our so-called “allies” even more.

Q. Doesn’t this mess just make oil more expensive? Which was the opposite of what we wanted to happen in the first place? And is my brain going to explode?

A. Yes, yes, and probably.

Q. Did you spell “Al-Qaeda” right?
A. No, but my keyboard doesn’t have keys with little Arabic squiggles on them.

Q. Can we blame this on Democrats? Republicans? Jews?

A. Yes, except that the Republicans seem to pursue almost exactly the same policy of ineptly “helping” everyone and being hated by everyone. Jewish conspiracy theories are fun for the skinhead crowd, but we give so much money and so many modern weapons like M1 tanks to countries that tried to invade Israel that it just makes no sense. Sound familiar?

Q. So whom do our policies really help?

A. Mainly our Arab “allies” that never help us. Or more precisely their corrupt regimes, which spend all our aid money on gold-plated limos and huge armies to not use against Israel. Since their countries are all so laughably backwards and primitive, we obviously haven’t actually helped the counties themselves develop in any sense that matters. But also our Arab enemies, since we provide them a scapegoat to distract attention from how cosmically ruinous Saddam Hussein and the Ayatollah du Jour are to their countries. We also prop up Israel, but then again we are propping up some of their historical enemies about as much. We give Arab demagogues something to complain about, so in a sense we keep them in business, too, though in the negative sense of supporting corrupt governments who pester them ineffectively.

Q. So is this our fault?

A. Sort of, but only in the sense that stupidity rarely pays. It is kind of like we moved into the worst neighborhood in Detroit, gave free money to all the gang leaders and crack dealers, parked a Ferrari in front of our apartment, and then acted surprised that we got carjacked by the REALLY crazy gang-bangers when we were driving around at 2am with the top down and the doors unlocked. We’re sitting in the hospital, and we seem to recall that the same freaks that carjacked us tried to burn our apartment down and kill our children several times over the past few years, but we wrote it off as youthful exuberance while we waited for the money we gave to the gang leaders and crack dealers to “trickle down” to the rest of the neighborhood in the form of better schools and reliable garbage pick-up

Q. So what should we do?

A. In the short term, kill off everyone in Al-Qaeda, or anyone who ever helped them, anywhere on the Earth. In the long term, spy on everyone but otherwise scale back our assistance to everyone, since we get nothing for it and it just seems to motivate the people that want to get rid of our “allies” anyway. Kill off every radical group that says they want to kill us far in advance of them doing anything interesting. And develop fusion power and electric cars so we can quit having to care about the damn place.


New member
They laughed, they danced, they cheered, passed candy out: 9/11 was a party for them all.

I do not hate you, and I merely wish to be left alone, but you wish to kill me for your current situation.

You do not wish to improve your own lot: you merely wish to inflict either your religion, which appears to be the cause of your suffering, or put me to death, or worse, slavery, taxing me to death in support of your cause.

I think your reliance on your god is correct, and I do believe that we should assist your death, along with that of all your relations, ASAP.

I wish you well on you journey.

It's the old "kill'm all and let God sort'm out.

But they invoked it, so, how else?


New member
The Saudi regime subscribes to a very strict interpretation of Islam that grew out of the Hanbali rite of Sunni Islam. These Wahhabis, led by the Sa'ud family, wanted to conquer the Arabian peninsula and "purify" Islam, which they did in the early twentieth century.

Saudi Arabia has within its borders both Mecca and Medina; the holiest sites for Sunni Islam. Quite a few Muslims believe that non-Muslims should not be allowed to set foot within Arabia, since it defiles the holy sites.

Before oil made them rich, in the early 1900's, the Saudi price said something to the effect that if someone were to give him 50,000 British pounds, they could have the whole Arabian peninsula.


New member
It's the old "kill'm all and let God sort'm out.

But they invoked it, so, how else?
Well, if your excuse for "kill'm all and let God sort'm out" is "they started it first," then how are you different from them?


New member
Something I forgot: we give our corrupt Arab government buddies something to blame their problems and backwardness on, and distract the people's attention from their own screw-ups... namely, US. Hence the ambivalence of our "friends" in the region, since they need us as an enemy, scapegoat, and catch-all excuse to appease and distract their people from the abject failures of their own corrupt, dictatorial governments.

Yes, this is contradictory, since if the government tells the people for decades that we are the enemy so the government can avoid blame, and the people notice that their government is also subsidized by the enemy, that government is creating internal enemies by blaming external enemies who are also their friend/supporter. On a related note, Advil is on sale at Albertson's.

I don't know if my post is exactly humor, or serious, or what. I wrote it to sort out in my head what is going over there, and the gigantic absurdity, pointlessness and just plain evil of everything involving the Middle East fried my brain.

If our policies there were guided by high moral principles, they sure didn't fix the tyranny, poverty, corruption, blood craving anti-semitism or near-universal hate of America in the region. If they were a function of greed freak money grubbing, they pissed everyone off that has what we want to buy. The last 50 or so years of Middle Eastern policy has been such a consistent and absolute failure on every level that it makes the movie Battlefield Earth look like Amadeus on the laughable cosmic failure scale.

Of course, stupidity and evil are different animals. The hysterical rantings by the America-hating leftist crowd (when they aren't filling up their $50,000 SUVs) about how we had it coming are just that, hysterical rantings. Our supposed "high crimes" against the Islamic world are a molehil compared to what they do to themselves, and are pretty laughable considering that it is our money buying their oil that keeps their lifestyle somewhere above eating scorpion-on-a-stick.

Let's run down the list, shall we?

Arab-Israli wars? Arabs' fault for being too stupid to not try to invade people tougher and smarter than they are. Tough ****. And nowadays we give you about as much in the way of guns and money as Israel anyway, figure that out.

Afghanistan? Oh wait, we helped the Muslims against the literally godless Russians, so ex-Muj types could stab us in the back with Boeings. So far my sympathy remains elusive.

Iran-Iraq war? We funded both sides, so both of you punks please shut up.

Bombing Lybia? Don't sponsor terrorism, and we don't put a laser-guided bomb on your relatives, Colonel. Suck it up.

Iraq? Gee, did you get your wrist slaped for raping and pillaging your Islamic neighbors? Boo hoo.

Somalia? Trying to shoot scumbags who don't let you give lunch to starving people is the basis for all modern morality, even if it WAS dumb to go to Africa to try to practice it under a Democrat administration. We'll bring more tanks next time we try to be nice to everyone.

Bosnia/Macedonia/Kosovo? Oh wait, our policies probably saved a few MILLION Muslims, which the rest of the world would have let get killed if we didn't lead the heavily armed NATO peacekeeping missions there. But since somehow that didn't get added to the international opinion ballance sheet in our favor, I say let them die next time.

Blaming us for Israel? Hell, they ignore everything we say, anyway. It's like the NRA funded Hillary's Senate campaign or something, what a gyp. And maybe if you didn't spend 30 years trying to invade them they wouldn't be shooting everyone within a mile of anybody that looks at them funny. My guilt-o-meter is pegged.

Yeah, that sounds morally equivalent to putting 6 million Jews under gas. What heinous war crimes on our part. Woe is us. :rolleyes:


New member
Things that make you go hmmm...

Great post CB!

But since everything we do there seems to offend somebody horribly, it all seems like a horrible waste regardless.
I wonder just how much money we have sunk into the middle east since WWII. We've been paying for oil exploration and technologies, warships steaming around the gulf, aircraft flying halfway around the world for air patrols and bombing missions, cruise missiles, submarines, electronic intelligence, military bases, etc, etc, etc.

If we put half that much money into finding alternative energy, we could have come up with something by now that would allow corporations could make just as much profit and wouldn't require so many people suffering and dying for.


New member
Well, if your excuse for "kill'm all and let God sort'm out" is "they started it first," then how are you different from them?

That's easy. It's because we're us, and they're them. Nothing is relative.

You don't have to like it, but when the sh#t hits the fan like it did a year ago, that's what you're left with.


New member
"middle east primer"

Well - duh! I thought this thread was about the one spot to hit in the middle east so that the whole middle east blew up.

Silly me.


New member
Well, if your excuse for "kill'm all and let God sort'm out" is "they started it first," then how are you different from them?

That's easy. It's because we're us, and they're them. Nothing is relative.

You don't have to like it, but when the sh#t hits the fan like it did a year ago, that's what you're left with.
You still didn't answer my question - if that excuse is our rationale, we're morally different how?

There is more to the difference between us and them than simply "because we're us and they're them." If you don't recognize that, you don't understand why we've created the finest form of representative republic and civil society yet in human history.


New member

Do you live in my brain? Are we somehow related? Could you be my twin and we were separated at birth?

Excellent thoughts,


Stephen Ewing

New member
Bahadur, if you're going to protest here, you're going to have to challenge the assertion that the sh#t has hit the fan, because once it does, morality is simply irrelevant.

'Course, morality didn't come into play when we were locking up the Nissei, burning across Georgia....



New member
That's right, I'm not going to play a moral equivalance game with you.

We kill them to prevent them from killing us. End of story.