The M96 Expeditionary is great!


New member
I got a chance to shoot one of these sunday (same time as the Krink) and I have to say I am extremely impressed. From what I understand it is a copy of a Stoner in semi. It functioned flawlessly, and was extremely accurate. Recoil is almost non-existant, about the same as a 10/22 or so. It is also very light, I would guess less than 5 pounds or so.
I liked better than any AR I have ever shot. If it wasn't for the fact that they cost $1200 at a minimum, I would get one. Anyone else here have any experience with it?


New member
You can, if you look carefully in places like, find M96s for around a grand. Also, I believe they are closer to 7-8 lbs than 5.


New member
RCS, I'm glad to hear the positive report. I'm giving serious thought to buying an M96 next year and I'd like to hear all positive and negative comments possible. There are a couple/three more handguns I want to get first (S&W 15, another Makarov, and MAYBE an EAA Witness 10mm), but then I'll save for the M96. Of course, if Gore manages to weasel (and I mean that in the most disparaging way possible) his way into the White House, I'll have to reassess my timetable.

If anyone has any substantive critcisms of the M96, I'd be happy to read those too.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Ive been there to the factory where the M96 was made...
Do a search for the M96 - there is a lot of information about it here.
One reason it felt lighter than it is... is because it is well balanced.

It is HANDS DOWN the best .223 battle rifle you can buy.


New member
>>It is HANDS DOWN the best .223 battle rifle you can buy<<

Well no. Even if you have a pathological dislike for the AR15, the Galil is a better battle rifle than the M96. And though I have no personal experience with the SIG 550, people who I have talked to who have either used it in the military or owned the civilian version tell me it is one of the best if not the best 223 service rifle around.
But I would say that the M96 is one of the best 223 rifles FOR THE PRICE available to civilians in most states.

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Galils are not being imported anymore.
Also - The M96 only LOOKS like a Stoner on the outside. Its better than the Stoner... closer to the FAL system then anything else.
I would actually say that the M96 is even BETTER than the Galil.
Sencond thought... I have doubt about it. Reason? The M96 is also very accurate... Much more so than the Galil.
The Sig 550 - again - sure - it would be a fine option if you could buy one. Is it better? hmmm - I dont remember it being remarkable in any way... And it doesnt use the magazines that you can buy in bulk really cheap... So I dont see how you can say its BETTER.

Like I said before... Its the best .223 Battle Rifle that you can buy.

If you have any detailed questions - send the guys that make it an email.

Badger Arms

New member
Like the Galil, the Stoner was combat proven. I'd agree that the Stoner is superior. It's basic operating principle has been much refined over the years while the AK has trodded along with an outstanding design for years without the need to change. While sound, the AK-47 was inefficient in the area of weight and also accuracy. As George pointed out, the Sig and Galil are not available generally. I'd love to put both through their paces and I'm sure I'd not be disappointed by either. No baptism in fire for the Sig to my knowledge.

Joe Klug

New member

I'm jealous! I'd love to get a chance to try out a M96. I got to hold a carbine version in a local shop a week or so ago and I was impressed with what I saw. Everything I have read about them is good. I'm really hoping that the price might come down after they've been out for a while longer but that's probably a pipe dream.

Like DAL, if Gore manages to steal this election I may just have to put one on the credit card before they are banned.

Did you shoot the carbine or rifle?



New member
George, you CAN still buy a Galil or a SIG 550...they just cost more now. There were a couple Galils and a SIG 550 at the gun show here last weekend (both were private sale too...damn I wish I wasn't broke) and you can find Galil 223s all over the internet ad boards such as or and sometimes you can also find SIG 550s there.
Like I said, the M96 is one of the best 223s you can buy FOR THE MONEY.


New member
I unfortunatly haven't gotten to try either a M96, Sig 550, or Galil. One of these days hopefully.

I have talked to the the owner of Robarm on the phone, and he was a really nice guy. I'm still trying to find an expeditionary rifle around here to play with. Of the three, if I were going to drop serious money on one of them It would probably be the M96. Just because it seems like it would be a lot easier to get parts and service for any problems, unlike the Sig or Galil.


New member
It is the rifle version

The M96 Expeditionary Rifle that RCS shot is the full length rifle version. This rifle is one of the first 200 Robinson Armaments produced and has been extremely reliable.
I have not purchased the carbine kit for it yet.

Glad you enjoyed shooting it. The M96 always draws attention when you take it to the range.

I know someone who has a SIG 550 for sale but I think it is in the 8K range. Yikes!


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I've fired the M96 on a half dozen different occasions totaling about 1200 rounds.
Each time - Zero malfunctions. Zero falures. Rifle was always very smooth - accurate - very little recoil.
Its not too heavy... Its well balanced... Just Awesome.

I just wish it was in .308 and used FAL mags.

Rik - your right.
I CAN Buy a Galil or Sig.
I just can't AFFORD it. Most of these are ending up in private collections and the prices are going up constantly.
Should I be in Isreal and a Galil become a valid option... Sure - I'ld love one. Until then... I'ld rather buy a less spendy rifle and take the money saved and buy spare mags and a few cases of ammo... and in the case of a SIG... An SA58 Carbine to go with it.


New member
George Hill, you must have read my mind because I thought an M96 in .308 would be cool too. The only problem would be making a choice between the two. Oh heck, why not just get 'em both? :)