The "liberal press" caused the Dem. losses? Clinton has started inhaling!


New member
An article on this morning quotes Bill Clinton in a Tuesday speech as saying Republicans won because "They have an increasingly right-wing and bellicose conservative press."

What papers is he reading?


New member
He made some interesting statements in that speech, trying to rally the Dems back to his philosophies and a more offensive stance.
One thing he DIDN'T do was admit that the states where he spent the most time campaigning before 05 Nov, tended to vote more repub than expected. IOW the more he stumped, the more they lost. Clinton fatigue is real and they just don't get it.
I hope he continues to be a democratic leader and advisor and prominant public figure.:D


New member
mini14jac -- After a looong season where the news was delivered to us with an almost exclusively liberal bent, the more conservative majority now has what I would call a "representative presence" in the media. By NO means is it the majority of coverage, but the fact that ANY is out there causes weeping and gnashing of teeth among the granola sprouts. Don'tcha just hate it for 'em? :rolleyes:

JimV --
The ones that say Zig Zag on them.
ROTFLMAO! Stop it! You're making me have flashbacks! :cool: :D


New member
Um..people I knew, used JoB papers, but anyway.....
Foxnews is only available online as far as I know, but is pretty conservative in it's views.

I had the same thought fignozzle, any conservative media is the end of the world for the liberals. :rolleyes:
Boy, if they had to put up with the equal of the overwhelming anti-conservative bias that we have had to put with forever, they would start hanging themselves, huh?

Ever see any of those old movies, where they talk about a reporter's responsibility to report the news without bias?
I love a good comedy. :rolleyes:


New member
When the liberals talk about the conservative or right wing bias advantage, they usually bring up only 3 areas; Fox News, The Washington Times, and Talk Radio. If that is the only areas where the conservatives have an advantage, all of the other media must be totally inept at carrying the "correct" message for the democrats. They have all of the major big city newspapers which tend to be very liberal, and those papers usually make some circulation to the rural areas as well. They have the big 3 TV networks. They have CNN, CNBC, MSNBC and C Span on the cable channels.

The liberals try to state that all of the "left leaning" media is really fair and balanced, so that the 3 right wing controlled avenues actually tip the balance in favor of conservatives. What utter nonsense. They are reading the Zig Zags, and giving us Snow JoB's.

You have to admit, it is entertaining to watch them scramble to figure out a way out of the mess they have gotten themselves into. And they just cannot look internally, can they? They are blaming voters for being stupid, the media for carrying a right wing message but no left wing message, talk radio for creating death threats to silence the liberals, etc. etc. etc. Except for left wing liberals, I really hate to see a grown politician cry.


New member
Actually, I read an op-ed piece a few weeks ago just after the election (don't remember the writer) that said pretty much what this thread title says (the part about the "liberal press").

I'm not sure how much credence I give this idea, but the argument went something like this:

If Dems read just the NYT, WashPost and similar left-leaning outlets, they might get a skewed idea about what the people really want.

The problem is that the press (left and right) are "leading" when they editorialize, take polls and often even when they do supposedly straight news stories. In other words, they are attempting to lead people to believe certain things, but they are camouflaging it as reporting what "the majority" believes. It's the bandwagon trick: "The majority believes this (so it must be correct, and you should believe it too or you won't be with the majority)."

The problem is that there are alternative news outlets now, so "leading" doesn't necessarily work as well as it once did, and Dems forget that -- sometimes the press forgets it too and believes themselves.
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New member
Cuchulainn, you have also hit a nail directly on the head. The old bandwagon effect is directly tied into the medias' manipulation of news to create "feelings" among the listeners or readers. They play upon peoples desire to be "normal". The left wing media has been in this MO for some time: "This is the way it is. If you don't accept or believe this, you are not part of the normal crowd of people". Thanks for the great explanation.


New member
Clinton's thinking about the Washington Times. It's a fairly conservative paper, and has 1/7th the circulation of the Washington Post, which is a radically liberal paper.

Of the five newspapers with the highest circulation, four have liberal editorial boards. (USA Today, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times - the other is the Wall Street Journal).

If you look at the details, his complaint isn't that there are more media outlets spreading the conservative message, because there aren't, or that more people are exposed to media outlets spreading the conservative message, because the circulation numbers clearly demonstrate that is not true.

His complaint is that there are any conservative media outlets. That the liberals no longer have an absolute lock on the media he finds outrageous.

That he's outraged bothers me not at all.


New member
Listen! Do you hear it, my friends?

The first block off the American Leftist Wall has just hit the deck. The cracks are deepening!

Keep talking, Bill.:cool:


New member
The first block off the American Leftist Wall has just hit the deck. The cracks are deepening!

To KSFreeman regarding above quote: can't you imagine a soft yet determined voice, like that of Reagans, saying, "Mister left wing media mogul, tear that wall down!"?


New member
"Um..people I knew, used JoB papers, but anyway....."

Don't you have to have a lot of patience to use that brand?