The lesson is...Use enough gun?


New member
Guy in Detroit is shot with minor caliber weapon, so BG has to come back and finish the job. Courteously, he approaches the attending medics and warns them to clear the area, because he's about to dramatically increase the airborne biohazard levels.
Teen, bleeding on stretcher, shot dead in Detroit
Youth wounded, later finished off

Unfortunately, we can't, on the information provided, get into a 9mm vs. .45 or 12 ga vs. 20 gauge thread, but how 'bout a mousegun vs. shotgun knockdown-dragout flame war? :rolleyes:


New member
I'd be on stress leave too, if I was unarmed by policy and had no other viable choice but to get out of the way while my patient was executed.


New member
Most likley was a .22 or something similar that didn't do much internal damage..

How brutal is that though.. to put a shotgun to some kid's head who is already injured and blowin most of it away... :barf:

I do have a question though.. why are paramedics repsonding to a scene where someone was shot BEFORE the police arrive? Not to mention.. in Detroit :eek:

Sir William

New member
Frank Drebin may shed more light. IIRC, there are more shootings in Detroit over the weekend than there are cars to respond. DFD does respond to shootings without police cover. Stupid but, there it is. Paramedics are generally neutral and not attacked.


New member
why are paramedics repsonding to a scene where someone was shot BEFORE the police arrive? Not to mention.. in Detroit

They probably just arrived on scene before the police did. What would you expect them to do - wait until the cops show up to take pictures, obtain evidence, etc. while a kid bleeds to death?


New member
No, I don't expect that..

Just seems dumb to have EMT's sent out to respond to a shooting without any sort of protection.. seems like an irresponsible risk on the part of the City more or less..

Heres an interesting solution.. arm them.


New member
Lets just be thankful that the guy only killed the kid, and not the EMS.

That being said, Detroit is an awful place. Whoever it was that refered to it a 'Little Mogadishu' wasn't too far off. That place is a drain on an otherwise decent state. See below for my true feelings.

Well, I thought I had a signature. Ignore the last sentence above.


Detroit EMS generally does wait around the corner until police arrive after a shooting. But I'm sure the EMT's have a certain amout of discretion. Morale is so poor on the police dept, and they are so understaffed that there probably wasn't a car available. Besides, one guy shot in the street, no bad guys around according to the caller, it's usually not a big deal. They probablty get several of those a night. I'd like to meet the guy just to shake his hand. How often to you get to meet someone in real life, right out of a Quenton Tarantino casting call? He did have a mask on, but still, that is one cold dude. And don't kid yourself about the EMT's not being armed. The guys I used to drink with were all packing at work. But what are you gonna do when a guy walks up on you with a shotgun and tells you to "watch out", besides call him "sir"?

PS....Detroit PD is getting ready to lay off another 600 cops. I think that will take them down to around 2000-2200. What do you expect in a town where they elect a 30-something guy to mayor who (allegedly) belonged to the Dexter Boys "club".

I was working and got a run to Mt. Carmel Hospital once. An infamous dope man, Maserati Rick Carter, had been shot. The hit man walked right into the hospital, went up to the room and shot him right there in bed, finishing the job. They buried him in a casket decked out with a Mercedes grille and rims.

You may not believe it, but the police used to have to guard the mayor's niece's house when she was allegedly dating drug dealer White Boy Rick Wersche in the mid 80's. I kid you not. That's the Detroit I know and love!!
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New member
Have read about some strange shootings but this one is about the most strange for sure.Sorry but did have to laugh :eek:


New member
'You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.' - Obi-Wan

Fits better than my generic GIVE DETROIT TO CANADA


New member
My town's paramedics are issued body armor. They keep it in the ambulace and put it own in the event of a hazardous call. They cant carry firearms, though. I cant follow the logic with that policy. Evidently, there is enough of a possibility of a medic getting shot that they need the body armor, but no need to shoot back.


But what are you gonna do when a guy walks up on you with a shotgun and tells you to "watch out", besides call him "sir"?

Not sure what I'd do with a crowdpleaser pointed in my general direction. This might not be the "kosher" thing to say, but I'd like to think if I were armed and in that situation, that I'd fill his back up with lead the minute he turns away after doing the deed.


New member
Whoever it was that refered to it a 'Little Mogadishu' wasn't too far off.

I've heard that from many people now.. pretty sad really.

Rumor has it, backin '91, Bush Senior called Portland "Little Beruit" since they rioted against him. Still holds true today, as long as a republican is in town.. they riot


New member
I've heard that from many people now.. pretty sad really.

It was a national show that it was said on, Rush Limbaugh (sp?) maybe?

If you ever get a chance to go there, don't. Nah, go see it. I had the 'opportunity' to take a class trip there in the tenth grade, one of those 'look how much better off we are' things. There were some areas you could tell where Detroit ended and the next suburb started. Goes from crappy, run down buildings one one side of the road, to nice, fresh painted shops with green grass. Next block over on the suburb side would have half-million dollar houses, while the Detroit side one block over had houses that were eveicted thirty years ago.

One sight I will not forget was an old flipped over car and a pile of tires sitting in the middle of the road, a makeshift roadblock, that had been there since the riots in the 70's. As were most of the burnt houses in the area.

There is one section where a resident decided to make the area 'better' by painting polka dots all over the neighborhood, and hanging things out of trees. These things were mostly old shoes and dolls. That was one creepy site. Of course, it was passed off as a community service project, a modern art work, but it was nothing more than disturbing.


There is one section where a resident decided to make the area 'better' by painting polka dots all over the neighborhood, and hanging things out of trees. These things were mostly old shoes and dolls. That was one creepy site. Of course, it was passed off as a community service project, a modern art work, but it was nothing more than disturbing.

That was Tyree Guiton's "Heidelberg Project". He's beautified several other locations throughout the city in the same fashion. Got grant money too.

Apple a Day

New member
"But what are you gonna do when a guy walks up on you with a shotgun and tells you to "watch out", besides call him "sir"? " :eek:
That's the best line I've heard in months.