The lesser of two evils

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Staff Emeritus
Taken from:



Governor Bush believes the best gun control measure is to vigorously
prosecute those who illegally sell guns, those who illegally carry guns, and
those who illegally commit crimes with guns. Governor Bush’s priority as
President will be to keep guns away from criminals and juveniles. He will
make federal gun prosecutions a top priority, reversing the 46% decline in
federal gun prosecutions under the Clinton-Gore Administration. In addition,
he will protect law-abiding citizens’ constitutional Second Amendment rights
while at the same time enacting reasonable, common-sense restrictions on
the unsafe use of firearms.(1)

Governor Bush’s Policies
Vigorous enforcement of current gun laws

Enforce federal gun laws. Under the Clinton-Gore Administration, federal gun
prosecutions have dropped 46%. Governor Bush will give prosecutors the
resources they need to aggressively enforce our gun laws and will provide
more funding for aggressive gun law enforcement programs such as Texas
Exile and Project Exile in Richmond, Virginia.

Make instant-check prosecutions a top priority. Under the Clinton-Gore
Administration, there have only been 8 prosecutions out of over 200,000
direct violations of the Brady Law. Governor Bush will give prosecutors the
desperately needed resources they need to aggressively enforce our gun

Background checks at gun shows and pawn shops

Expand ‘instant check’ system. Governor Bush believes the instant check
system is the best way to keep criminals from buying guns at gun shows and
supports changing federal law to give gun show sponsors special access to
the National Instant Check System to conduct checks on behalf of
non-licensed vendors.(3)

Increase the age for possession of a handgun

Increase the minimum age from 18 to 21. Governor Bush supports raising
the age from 18 to 21 to possess a handgun without parental supervision.
Under current law, a person must be 21 or older to purchase a handgun.(2)

Supports Juvenile Assault Weapons Ban

Semi-automatic assault weapons ban for juveniles. This would extend the
current limitations (subject to the current exceptions) on youth possession of
handguns to semi-automatic assault weapons.

Supports child safety locks for all handguns.

Child safety locks for handguns. Governor Bush supports voluntary efforts to
equip all handguns with child safety locks. If Congress passed legislation
requiring mandatory trigger locks for all new handguns, he would sign it. He
is concerned, however, that such legislation not be seen as a panacea,
because adults still have to be responsible for using the trigger locks and for
monitoring their children's actions.

Project Childsafe. Because congressional proposals to mandate child safety
locks affect only new handguns, and not the 65 million handguns already in
circulation, Governor Bush has called for Project Childsafe – a national
initiative to provide federal matching funds to make child safety locks
available for every single handgun in America.

Supports ban on importation of high-capacity ammunition clips.

Include imported high-capacity ammunition clips to current ban. Governor
Bush supports extending the current ban on high-capacity ammunition clips
to include those imported from foreign countries.(4)

Texas Record

Cracked down on gun violence

Automatic jail time for juveniles illegally carrying guns. Proposed and signed
legislation requiring automatic jail time for juveniles who carry firearms
illegally or commit crimes with a gun.

Toughened penalties for selling guns to kids. In 1997, signed legislation
making it a felony offense for selling or giving a handgun to a minor.

Held parents accountable. In 1995, signed legislation providing criminal
penalties for parents or guardian who knowingly and recklessly leave a
weapon accessible to a minor who subsequently commits a crime or causes
serious harm.

Created weapon-free school zones. In 1995, signed legislation prohibiting
weapons within 300 feet of a school and made a violation of the weapon free
zone a felony.

Cracked down on violent juveniles. Established boot camps -- alternative
“tough love” schools for disruptive juveniles -- and lowered the age at which
violent juveniles can be tried as adults.

Allowed law-abiding citizens to protect themselves

Created a responsible concealed carry law. Similar to 31 other states, Texas
law allows responsible, law-abiding citizens to protect themselves. Under
Texas law, a citizen 21 years or older, who passes a rigorous background
check, completes a gun safety and conflict resolution course, and passes a
firearm proficiency test can obtain a state license to carry a concealed

Made child safety locks available to Texas parents

Project Childsafe. Launched a five-year, $5 million program to provide free
child safety locks and firearm safety information to Texas parents with the
goal of making child safety locks available for every single handgun in Texas.

Under Governor Bush, Texans are safer

Crime is down. During Governor Bush’s tenure, violent crime decreased 20
percent while overall crime decreased 14 percent.

Juvenile crime is down. During Governor Bush’s term, violent juvenile crime
decreased 44 percent and overall juvenile crime by 17 percent – the first
decline in over a decade.

Effectively abolished parole for violent offenders. Under current parole
policies, violent criminals in Texas are serving over 90 percent of their
sentences; violent sex offenders are serving 100 percent of their sentences.

Unquote===== (footnotes added)


Once more we must “compromise” and abandon candidates who honor the
Constitution in favor of more gun control from the “lesser of two evils”.

1. Once again we must endure additional unconstitutional laws in the guise
of “reasonable, common-sense restrictions on the unsafe use of firearms.”

2. Military people under age 21 will come home on leave, even from combat
zones, to a society where it will be a federal offense to shoot the very arms
they use to protect our dwindling freedoms.

Our military people under age 21 come home to mandatory incarceration for
shooting a handgun, even at an approved range, unless the “child” (old
enough to die for our country) is in the company of his or her own parent.

3. No more will a family member be able to give a firearm as a gift without
the permission of the federal instant check system. When someone dies,
how will firearms be passed down through the generations? Only with the
permission of the federal government.

4. Standard, original magazines, called “high-capacity ammunition clips”, will
be unavailable in America. How many Americans will be killed by our
government as they protect us from “high-capacity ammunition clips” in the
same manner as they protect us in the War on Drugs?

How many more “reasonable, common-sense restrictions” will we endure?
How long before, in the name of common-sense, there will be quotas for
residency, travel, health care, etc.

How long before “reasonable, common-sense restrictions” extend to freedom
of speech to protect us from dangerous, inflammatory speech and writings?

Already the government controls who can exercise simple prayer. Even a
moment of silence offends those citizens who “value freedom” so will it
become a federal offense for a grandmother to bow her head and say a silent
prayer of grace in a restaurant?

Already, peaceful demonstrations require permission in many cities. And if
peaceful demonstrators advocate something disrespectful to the government,
the police can order the demonstrators to disperse. A demonstration is
permitted only at “police discretion”. Even if the demonstrators are entirely
peaceful, the government (the people’s protector of rights) has the right to
gas, beat, shoot, prosecute and incarcerate the most peaceful of
demonstrators. To protect us from ourselves, no doubt.

The first amendment sounds good but is largely ignored in favor of “the
greater good”. We must accept “the lesser of two evils”.

The Fourth Amendment?

How safe are we in our homes, our papers, our personal records or even our
health records. Again. “The greater good.” “The lesser of two evils.”
Certain legislators even tried to pass legislation to permit federal agents to
enter your home, surreptitiously, when you are not there, in order to copy
your computer hard disk or other media or even plant listening devices. Big
Brother again will protect us from ourselves.

The Fifth Amendment?

The judge declares you are immune from prosecution on a given offense an
you must tell enough to please him you go to jail for contempt of court. By
the way, if you mention an offense other than those for which you were given
immunity, you can be prosecuted for those. Freedom from
self-incrimination? Largely a lie when the offense is against the government.

Our judicial system?

You must do what the judge tells you or go to jail, or lie to protect your true
reason for “failure to convict”.

“For the greater good....”

“The lesser of two evils....”

“We had no other choice....”

“I had to hold my nose and vote....”

Remember those phrases. You may need them if your children or
grandchildren ever learn how we destroyed the American way of life.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
In the real political world, many times the best you can hope for is to hold your own or just slow the retreat. G. Bush is the best we can do. If Gore wins, we lose.


New member
1.) Now that's the old Dennis that has been absent from TFL for a depressing number of months. WB fella.
2.) Lots of good things to ponder.


Staff Emeritus
In the real world, our loss of RKBA is increasing in speed and severity.

If Gore wins, we lose big and soon.
If Bush wins, we lose big and somewhat slower.
The end result will be the same because there is no alternative....

There is no alternative to vote for because "We the People" of the United States are not "the People" of the 1700s, or 1800s, or even the early 1900s.

The one-two punch of the Great Depression and the Great War has turned too many of the Great Generation People into Sheeple. Government schools finish the job on the youth. Only pockets of resistance remain.

Look to California, New Jersey, and especially to Washington, DC to see our future.

If we do not use the remaining, dwindling years of freedom in America to our advantage, to become stronger, we will become as free as the British who "must" this and "dare not" that but still consider themselves "free" becasue they are directed to do so.

Rhetoric won't preserve our Rights. The waning opportunity to restore the Constitution at the ballot box is fading, with our assistance, because too few of us care.

While Americans display verbal bravado we support and assist those who will soon rule us.

With docile heart we continue to help each other into the (political) boxcars.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dennis:

Look to California, New Jersey, and especially to Washington, DC to see our future.

If we do not use the remaining, dwindling years of freedom in America to our advantage, to become stronger, we will become as free as the British who "must" this and "dare not" that but still consider themselves "free" becasue they are directed to do so.

Great post, Dennis. I am glad to see your old self is back. You have really helped many of us shape their civic, social and political conscience, and I for one am very grateful to you for that.

Adding anything to what you said would be mere redundance.


Private gun ownership is the capital sin in the left's godless religion. Crime is merely a venial mistake.

Check out these gals:

Get some real news at

[This message has been edited by 416Rigby (edited October 16, 2000).]


New member
At least Gore is helping gun owners get together and focus on retaining our rights. If he wins, it will be like in the 80's when the country focused on beating the Soviets. Hopefully some of the hunters have realized they are next.


New member
Dennis, as a resident of the state of Texas, I can tell you that my Kimber resides on my hip due to George W. You read Mr. Bush's website and drew your conclusions based on it alone. I have seen what George W stands for, and it is not more "common-sense" gun safety laws. He is for the 2nd amendment. However, most of the public today is NOT for the 2nd amendment, and they do not even UNDERSTAND the constitution. 8 years of clinton/gore in our schools and our government will do that to people. The sheeple need to be re-educated. While I would applaud Mr. Bush if he gave a "cold dead hands" speech, he would be labelled a "gun nut" or "poster-boy for the NRA" instantly and the vast majority of Americans would not support him. He has to appeal to the middle to win this election, and that's what he is trying to do. If he turns on us in office, we'll never vote republican again (see the petition). But to judge him based on a website meant to draw in the undecided acerebrate voters out there is not quite fair.

NRA Life Member


New member
GW Bush can not say anything about importing standard capacity magazines (or the other gun issues) and have any chance of winning the election.

Both of the main contenders for the crown are avoiding this issue at all costs. It is to polarizing.

Importation of new high caps is already banned. What "Supports ban on importation of high-capacity ammunition clips." means is that there are containers of pre ban manufactured magazines waiting on foreign docks to be shipped into this country. Extending the ban would keep these out of the country.

Yes that sucks but, it is not a ban on high cap ownership.

As far as the other Bush RKBA issues,
i hope GWB is a true son of Texas and will work to protect our rights as honest gun owning Americans.

Bush may be on the record as supporting these issues now but, unless he goes on an executive order writing campaign, he will have to wait on congress to vote on these issues.

I do not trust Al Gore to wait on Congress.



New member
I think you're on to something, Dennis.

The American people are rapidly loosing the RIGHT to keep and bear arms. Not because it is being taken away from us, but because we no longer deserve it. Just as a retarded child should not be given a loaded firearm as a toy, a nation of doe-eyed Oprah-loving morons should not reasonably expect to be allowed the use of firearms.

I am coming more and more to think of the RKBA as a symptom of greater social problems in America rather than a cause. That America is the great nation it is today is not so much the result of millions of Americans being armed (except, of course, in times of war). Rather, the fact that millions of Americans have been able to be peacefully armed throughout this country for more than two centuries is a testimony to the American people as a society.

I guess what I'm saying is that Gore and Bush are simply giving the people what they are clamoring for. There are other causes why people no longer value individual freedom and no longer feel that they have the need and the ability to defend themselves. Those of us who do not share the trend in American thought (or more accurately, the lack in thought) are left to simply brake, or slow down, the decisions which take this country on the course it chooses to follow.

If we want to change this course, the RKBA is not the issue to do it. What is the point of demanding a right, which, as a nation, you do not deserve? (I mean the Jerry Springer-ites, of course) To support the RKBA, we must support the issues which make Americans WORTHY of that right and many others (as Dennis said, the Americans of the 1700 or 1800's). Issues which end up supporting the RKBA are important to America in many other ways as well. I don't care nearly as much what Bush says about the Second Amendment as what he could say about restoring actual education in our schools or restoring a working system of justice in America.

(No relation to that $%#$ bill)


New member

You are right on the money. Bush has to appeal to those in the undecided middle if he wants to win the election. He can't afford to appear like a pawn of the NRA or like some kind of right wing radical. Dennis knows that what is important, is who the next president will nominate to fill the next 3 or 4 Supreme Court openings, but I guess he just forgot to mention that. :)

Let's face it, why should Bush try to cater to those who are on the Libertarian side of things, when their numbers so small that you could comparatively fit them into a phone booth, and they have sworn not to ever vote Republican again anyway? Bush can gain a LOT more ground by (openly) taking a moderate position on gun control. The votes of a few million soccer moms are a lot more important than trying to get those like Dennis back into the party. Once Bush is in office, and with a little prodding from Cheney and other fellow gun owners, I'm sure that Bush will do the right thing.

Contrary to public opinion, gun owners come in varying political persuasions. They are hardly a monolithic voting block. I have heard it said time and time again, that if only we would all vote our consciences that we could put Harry Browne in office in a heartbeat. Well, my friends, that is total BS! Get off of the gun forums and there just isn't that many Libertarians out there. There may be just enough Republicans out there to get Bush elected though! That is if we get off our butts and support him and quit shooting ourselves in foot with all of this mental masturbation about third political parties.



NRA Joe's Second Amendment Discussion Forum


New member
<a cooler head prevailed.>
Comments Removed.

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited October 16, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus
Good points! Thank you.

I also am a Texas resident and MY Kimber resides on MY person due to George
W. Bush. However, I am also identified, fingerprinted like a criminal, licensed, and
required to pay hundreds of dollars to participate in an unconstitutional program to
enjoy a somewhat increased privilege of my Second Amendment Rights!

I used GW’s website because my post is therefore easily verified. I did NOT draw
my conclusions based on the website alone. I agree that by his deeds, not by his
words, will we finally judge GW. However, I have a prediction.

I bet you that GW is sent gun control legislation attached to an important bill which
he “dare not” veto. I further bet we will have more gun control, signed by GW,
within the next three years.

In the final analysis, the President is in the position of being able to wash his hands
like Pontious Pilate, proclaim his innocence and disagreement, while signing
tyranny into law.

I fully comprehend the threat of a Gore regime. Please do not interpret my distaste
for the Republican Party as an indicator of my severe disdain for the Democrats.

And (nralife, are you out there?) yes, I will vote for Bush.

And I hate myself for it. I hate the political scenario where I must vote for “lesser
tyranny” to avoid voting for “greater tyranny”. I despise myself as a coward for my
vote - for I know what I am doing. I am voting away our RKBA.

My only weak excuse is that I hope to give the RKBA movement time to unite, to
organize, to destroy the sheeple-based surge to slavery. And like Scarlett O’Hara,
this Irishman swears to Almighty God that I am through, finished, completely done
with holding my tongue and withholding my support from those who would restore
Constitutional Law in our beloved Republic.

As for GW? I’m a CHL Instructor in Texas. Just re-certified for the second time.
I will continue to introduce as many people as possible to the Right to Keep and
Bear Arms.

If the Texas CHL law turns out to be an effort to register as many gun owners as
possible, so be it! By God I will increase the “registered owners” list as much as I
possibly can.

Westtexas, I agree with you more than *you* assume. I fully realize that true
American views will hold us up to ridicule and possible government retribution
such as IRS audits, home invasions, illegal search and seizures and so on.

But the buggers waited too long.

My kids have grown and are on their own. My wife is willing to endanger herself
by associating with an American who is fed up, ticked off, and ready to take this
battle unarmed to the streets.

While I have the same hope as many of you that GW is sandbagging his RKBA views, it is possible GW’s “common-sense” yet totally unconstitutional views will lead us down a smoother path to the same destination as Gore’s harsher restrictions lead us.

I have just flat had enough.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
We have become soft and greedy, more concerned with out stocks then our
children's school.
We have allowed the liberals to tell us
how to think, who to like and dislike,
play fair,bull. it has had terrible effect
most in our public schools.
Can one man change it, i don't think so
we have moved to far to the left. Sorry
to say it will take "hard times" pain, to
restore the values, morales we need to
remain free.


New member

YES! I'm out here. Oh my... Dennis is going to vote for Bush? Let me run outside and see if pigs are flying!!!
No pigs... and hell doesn't seem to be frozen over yet. Darn, I'm at a loss.

Dennis, let me just say that if Bush screws us that there will not be a bigger third party supporter than me next go around. I will be right beside you all of the way.



NRA Joe's Second Amendment Discussion Forum


DENNIS- as many have said you ROCK you the kind of people we need to get things going in the right direction towrd freedom.
GENES-- we do have alternatives GW may be our best unfortunate choice for Prez but we can make some wonderful changes as far as our weak axxed congress goes.
WESTTEXAS--as usualy I disagree with you and I completely echo a and support Dennis sentiments.Are we also to beleive that Gore doesnt know or support whats on his website???
Its been said before and Ill say it again what president or even congressmen has ever been more pro-gun in action that they have been in word or debate?You might be able to think of one I cannot I havent been into politics that long and only got into it on the gunrights subject.

Now why can Bush so openly support all of this?And dont give me that he cant support any of these like stopping the AW ban because the media will hang him theyll do that anyway.
Heres the challenge for all on the board
copy the above that Dennis got from GW's website and email to the NRA ask them what part of it if any that they disagree with??
Come on I double dare you.What you didnt know theyve openly supported most of these measures??hahah
NO they wouldnt tell you but Lapierre was all to happy to state it on NBC and Im still wanting to be corrected or see their stance on that change,Hell Yes I am.
On the AW/Standard capacity mag ban
show me where the NRA has ever blasted it or whispered about a repeal???
Now for a minute you stop and think well
we'll still have a pro congress.WRONG if the NRA will support a compromising presidnt
they will also support a compromising congress and thus we will continue to have more and more of the above measures.
You can tell me all you like how Im splitting us and weakening the RKBA side
but the fact is the NRA by not opposing such measures is doing that for us.
If you want to say they have to or the media will fry them tell me how the media's treating them now and answer me this
are YOU making friends with the media and supporting such measures cause you want things easy on the republicans??

You dont have to waste so much time with GOA
just read over their last couple alerts or
newslettters and youll see they oppose all of the above UNCONSTITUTIONAL measures and unlike our leading compromiser they will actually call the kettle black not reasonable or common sense restrictions.

This was a challenge to all to prove me wrong
and this is why I support GOA's political victory fund to help them help get UNCOMPROMISING freedom loving (not just chanting) congressmen elected no matter what party they may be with.
Its time for the ANTI's to start losing and compromising but if we keep supporting reps who wont say that it wont happen.

"those who sacrifice
liberty for security deserve neither"


Staff Emeritus
***** The NRA *****

How have all the NRA “compromises” increased our RKBA?

They haven’t. All we can say is the NRA has slowed the LOSS of our RKBA.

Let’s work at restoring our Constitution.

Let’s put the NRA on notice that we want activism not defeatism. If they want our
membership and financial support, they had better start showing gains instead of
“lesser losses”.

Do the same with all the “gun rights” organizations.

***** The Republicans *****

If one out of every two gun owners recognized the current losing streak our
Liberties have suffered and threatened to leave the Republican Party the
Republicans would reform or die as a party.

Threaten to leave the Republicans and form, heck, form an NRA Party! Joe, if you
are a supporter of RKBA rather than a mere Republican, a true RKBA Party should
appeal to you as much as it would to me!

If we made such a threat realistic (with thousands of letters, e-mails, phone calls,
and telegrams) the Republicans would have to become Republicans again instead of
faux-Democrats or they (the Republicans) would become irrelevant.

Put the Republicans on notice that we will not tolerate increased (but “less than it
could have been”) restriction, enforcement, and punishment! How do we get out of
the habit of DEcreasing our losses and regain the policy of regaining our Rights?

We continue to speak of the 2, 3, 4, or 5 Supreme Court Justices ole GW will give
us; but we completely disregard:
- Congress must approve GW’s nominations;
- Congressional Republicans frequently vote with Democrats to restrict our
RKBA; and
- we can not rely on either party to restore our RKBA.

***** George W. Bush as President *****

Now, folks, let’s assume GW become President. What are we going to do?

How about some quick suggestions (please add to the list!):

- Join everyone we can to the NRA, GOA, JFPO, CCRKBA, SAF, LEAA, and
every other pro-RKBA outfit we can find.

- Flood our so-called Representatives at the local, state and federal levels with a
constant stream of pro-RKBA letters. Reprimand those blighters when they
disregard our RKBA. Praise them and support them when they support us.
Turning our government around will be a long, hard job. It will require diligence,
coordination, unity and perseverance. We must become “quiet zealots” - watchful
and demanding....

- Teach as many people as possible how to shoot. Rather than giving the NRA
donation after donation so those leaders live better than we do, buy a .22 handgun.
Better yet, buy both a .22 revolver and a .22 pistol. Take kids and women to the
range and de-demonize our side of the story.

- Check out Bartholomew Rogers’ thread

- Unite. Quit supporting any given party and start supporting the RKBA issue.
Support individual RKBA activities rather than broad platforms. If one gun owner
out of two supported RKBA we would win every single election!

- Support anyone and everyone whose goal is the restoration of Constitutional
Law. Give our Republic yet a new birth of freedom.

- Begin demonstrating in public - peacefully, unarmed, with restraint. Show the
human side of RKBA. De-mystify and de-demonize our members and our cause.

- Add to this list and share your ideas with other RKBA activists.

I suggest we start now. Let GW know that we expect strict Constitutionalists to be
nominated. Let Congress know we expect strict Constitutionalists to become
Justices of the Supreme Court.

We must restore our Republic before we have any power to address the other
emotional issues which presently divide us.

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
:)Oh yeah! You are on a roll big guy! Please disregard my previous post if you happened to catch it.
My one point of contention is about the NRA. On the surface, maybe even in fact, they have seemed to compromise more than we would care to do. Whatever. What's done is done, and it can't be erased. We can however stress to them that compromise is over. A simple post card that says No More compromise should be affordable to everyone, and mountains of themshould suffice to get that message across. The other part of the NRA issue is the topic of SB 2099(?).Yeah it went nowhere, but the sad fact is these type of bills crop up all the time. Sooner or later one is going to stick, if someone isn't there to watch for them. Part of my $$ goes to the NRA as a watchdog to insure that someone is around to inform me of what DC is doing. I've seen numerous times in the past where bill like this, along with Moynihan(sp)'s rantings and trying to ban certain calibers are introduced. Then I look at the current switchblade laws, and realize how easy it is to get a real klinker through the legislative process if someone isn't watchful.

Keep goin big fella. I don't know what got you're dander up,(frustration at having to make a personal compromise is my guess, I passed that a year ago myself) but hotdam* it's been awhile since we had a good old fashined Dennis a$$ kicking rant!


New member
The population is being turned into cattle by two seperate and distinct forces.

One force is the enfluence of the Oligarchy, this including the major media nodes. The Oligarchy wants the population to be a stable and docile recource used to maintain the Oligarchy's standard of living and ultra-elitist station.

The other force is the week and appetite-driven mind of the population itself, wich does not understand the differance between a citizen and subject, doesn't care, and confuses freedom with comfort. These people never think beyond the first layer of information about any given subject and quickly beleive what the oligarchy tells them. These people are satisfied to be heard animals.

Keeping these two forces from perfecting their their two-class system takes much more activity than the few remaining Citizens have shown.

Do some calling, donating, voting, and letter writing. Do at least one of these activities TODAY.

Use these links.


Staff Emeritus
;) Yeah, I saw your post. Kept a copy of it too. (heh, heh) It confused me some so I was about to reply when I saw you deleted it. Thank you!


More importantly, RAE said, "A simple post card that says No More compromise should be affordable to everyone, and mountains of them should suffice to get that message across [to the NRA)"

Great idea. Good start! What if you select some significant date and we all work to put the word out on all the gun boards? If we all sent in such a card (or short letter) that should get some attention!

I would think we need to include our name and address or they'll think a few people mailed many cards. Right?

Should we put our membership number on the card?

If not a member, should non-members say they'll join when NRA quits compromising?

How complicated can we be and keep it simple?

I'd be willing to make up a bunch of cards to have my students sign.

Other thoughts?


New member

I'm with you all of the way! I like the idea of sending "No More Compromise" post cards to the NRA!!! Don't forget that one of the first things that needs to be done, assuming we can get Bush elected, is to do something about all of the frivilous lawsuits pending against the firearms manufactures. Congress needs to give them some protection as soon as possible!

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