The LCR with Laser


New member
Okay, I posted with just how much sense a laser grip is on a little revolver like the LCR. Now I have one and have to say it is just awesome. That is so much more than I anticipated. I give Ruger another pat on the back.


New member
On a get-off-me gun, a compact durable laser makes great sense, as you may not have the luxury of using the sights. Good to hear it!


New member
I used the lazer on mine last night.

My mother went into the hospital yesterday for a test (the results were clean, so she's ok!). I went down to take care of her critters, and my wife and I found a rattlesnake as we were leaving.

I looked for a shovel, rock, or anything I could use to kill it to no avail. I finally drew my J-frame, but it was too dark to see the sights well.

I put the dot a bit low and just a hair right of it's head to compensate for the close range, and shot it's head off.

Hated to use the buck-a-round carry ammo that's in it to kill a snake, but I didn't want to let it go where it was. Too many houses and kids in that area, not to mention that my own mom and grandmother live side-by-side there as well.

I've found they're great for about any situation where the sights are hard to see. Congrat's on your new purchase!



New member
I don't have either the LCP or a laser, do you need a holster to accommodate it or will it fit any holster the revolver will fit?


New member

I don't have an LCR either, but I have a J-frame with a lazer made by the same company that makes them for the LCR.

the lazer sits at the top of the right grip (looking from the rear of the revolver), or the outside grip on a right hand strong side carry. The batteries fit inside against the frame of the revolver, so you have to take the grip off to replace them, and can't see then when the grips are on the revolver.

It's very small, and pretty unnoticeable unless you need it. My J-frame still fits the same holster(s) it did before I put the lazergrip on it, and I see no reason why others shouldn't do the same.

Here's a picture of mine in a well worn holster I use for concealed carry. You can see the bulge at the top of the grip? That's the lazer. There's a push-button switch on the front of the grip that the shooter presses with the middle finger to activate the lazer.

Ok, so I did put some Lexol leather conditioner on the holster shortly after I took this picture. It needs it again now. :)


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Jim March

New member
Yeah, I'm not aware of any holsters for this class of gun that the lasergrips will interfere with.

About the only possible type might be something with a very tight thumbsnap that doesn't quite close because the laser is a tad fatter right under it. But a thumbsnap system that tight would be nuts regardless and I'm personally not at all a fan of thumb-breaks, they're just not necessary.