The Law on Civilian carry and AWB, etc.

The study jibes with what I've heard from law enforcement for decades. The good thing about it is that it polled officers on the street.

The problem with public policy is that it is guided by bureaucrats and brass who aren't on the street.


New member
Thanks Glenn,

The results seem inline with the other officers/deputies that I have known or worked with.

The problem with public policy is that it is guided by bureaucrats and brass who aren't on the street.

You have a good point Tom...Many of those "in charge" have a disconnect with those actually doing the work on the street. Also, you have the side-interest as well, such as those who want kinder, gentler treatment for violent felons, or those who want to control by passing laws, or those who increased enforcement of crime A over crime B, etc...

I did find this interesting: survey link above said:
4. What effect do you think the passage of the White House’s currently proposed legislation would have in improving police officer safety?
Response Percent
Response Count
Significant 3.0% 438
Moderate 8.6% 1,255
None 60.6% 8,878
Negative 24.6% 3,597
Unsure 3.2% 474

So, 11.6% think the proposed legislation would improve officer safety, but 24.6% feel it would negatively affect officer safety. That 24.6% number is interesting.

The other stat that caught my mind was the difference in views between open vs concealed carry in questions 18 and 19.
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Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
I'm actually glad you posted this Glenn.

For those of you that don't know, PoliceOne is the leading blog and forum where ordinary and everyday cops hang out... At least those that are internet savy (and there are a lot of LEO's who are internet savy).

The leadin article is, PoliceOne's Gun Control Survey: 11 key lessons from officers' perspectives, which shows some of the results of the survey. But I was curious about all the questions and the responses. So after a small amount of digging, I found what I was looking for.

View the complete findings of the survey

I highly suggest everyone take a good hard look at what this survey is saying. The Police are not our enemy. Fact is, if this survey contains any truth, they are our friends. In particular, they are friends of the 2A.
Fact is, if this survey contains any truth, they are our friends. In particular, they are friends of the 2A.
They always have been. They know the nuts and bolts of crime and response time, and they understand the practical reality. Even if they're not big supporters of the 2A in general, they support the idea of an armed citizenry.

The disconnect comes with the top brass, who are more concerned with political reality. Sheriffs are elected, and you'll find them generally more in touch with their constituents, but chiefs are a whole matter altogether. The unfortunate thing is that the chiefs are the ones politicians talk to, and they're the ones on the news when the policy questions are asked.


New member
WEB Griffin, the author, wasn't stated that in Philidelphia, the blue shirts(average patrolmen up to sergeant) weren't anti-gun, they were just forced to be by the white shirts(Lieutenants and above).

This definently seems to jive with that.

In my multitude of traffic violations, I have never interacted with a cop who had anything negative to say about my CCW, heck, I've even gotten into protacted road side discussions concerning the merits of a pump gun versus suto-shucker for duck hunting.


New member
WEB Griffin (aka William Butterworth III) and Stephen Hunter are a couple of my favorite authors and I'm glad to hear they are supporting gun ownership.

I wish this information could just be pushed out in front of the NY Times folks as a giant dose of 'wake up-reality calling' so that they could see the error of their ways. Sigh.

I'm referring to the NY Times article in this thread: