The Latest Clinton Outrage: Army Marksmanship Programs Cancelled!


Member In Memoriam
Anything further on this? Clarifications, etc.?

Break out another set of black armbands.


"-----Original Message-----
(originator removed for privacy)
Subject: FW: The Latest Clinton Outrage: Army Marksmanship
Programs Cancelled!

----- Original Message -----
(removed for privacy)
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 9:27 PM
Subject: [besc] FW: The Latest Clinton Outrage: Army Marksmanship Programs

| To:
| Subject: The Latest Clinton Outrage: Army Marksmanship Programs Cancelled!
| From: (removed for privacy)
| Date: Thu, 18 May 2000 17:42:40 -0500 (CDT)
| Message From: (removed for privacy) Date: Thu,
| May 18, 2000, 4:58pm (CDT+1)
| Subject: All-USAR Shooting Team
| To one and all:
| This is the latest move in the destruction of the 2nd Amendment by the
| Clinton Commu-Nazis.
| Some of the names you will see below are real "heavy hitters" in the
| shooting world. Note: MSG Steve Reiter is the current and past National
| Pistol champion. MSG Fox is Ruby Fox, womens' National Pistol champion
| for about a dozen or more years running, and one of the few 2600+ womman
| shooters in the world.
| Despite the fact that there are more Olympic medals awarded for
| shooting than any other discipline - 13 in total - it looks like the USA
| will loose by default this year.
| It should be further noted that these were the same people who saved
| the US Army's bacon when the Infantry school fell on it's face for lack
| of marksmanship training in Desert Storm!
| Some people never learn.
| Respectfully,
| MSG David J. Lindstedt, Sr.
| US ARMY (retired)
| former team captain & coach 79th ARCOM Pistol team
| PS: Please forward this to any and all interested parties.
| --------- Forwarded Message ---------
| To: "Dave Lindstedt (E-mail)", 73422,1726
| Date: 5/16/00 5:21 AM
| RE: FW: All-USAR Shooting Team
| Dave,
| Well they have done it to us. It is official now. All Army reserve
| marksmanship teams and activities are going to be stopped. If you have
| friends in high places or know someone who does
| we could use the help with some face ripping letters.
| Bob
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Harry Russell
| Subject: All-USAR Shooting Team
| I got this email from Helmut today. It was a bit of a shock, although
| a lot of us had seen it coming; here it is in black and white. At the
| end of Perry, we have to turn in our equipment.
| Many of you have connections in high places, whether it be the
| military or politicians. We need to call in on all of our favors to try
| and keep the program going. I need someone to write a letter and pass
| out to our teammates to sign and mail to our Representatives in
| Congress, Senate and anyone else who will listen, including USARC. The
| letter should describe the benefits that the Army receives by having us
| as a Team and also the long tradition that we have had. We have
| wordsmiths on the Team who are more eloquent than I am and know the
| history of the Team better. Please let me know ASAP if you would like
| to volunteer to do this. If not, I'll take the bull by the horns and
| try to write it myself. Other Service Teams may also have a personal
| interest because if our program is cancelled, theirs also may be
| adversely affected. Let's go down with a fight and try and save our
| program!!!
| MAJ Russell
| Gentlemen,
| 1. It is my sad duty to inform you that the USAR is the first military
| organization to cancel competitive marksmanship activities. Hopefully
| the USAR will be the only one to do so.
| 2. Each of the teams (Pistol, Rifle, and Combat) will make arrangements
| to turn-in their equipment at the completion of this year's
| competitions. The equipment (which includes firearms) will be returned
| to the property book holder, the Small Arms Training Team (SATT).
| a. Pistol Team. All soldiers competing in the National Matches
| will turn their equipment in at Camp Perry, OH, after the pistol phase
| of the National Matches. Any team members who do not participate in the
| Nationals must make arrangements to turn their equipment into the SATT
| no later than 31 July 2000.
| b. Rifle Team. All soldiers competing in the National Matches will
| turn their equipment in at Camp Perry, OH, after the rifle phase of the
| National Matches. Any team members who do not participate in the
| Nationals must make arrangements to turn their equipment into the SATT
| no later than 31 August 2000.
| c. Combat Team. All soldiers will turn their equipment into the SATT
| no later than 31 August 2000.
| 3. Ammunition will be issued in quantities that will be expended no
| later than the turn-in dates. The remaining ammunition will be
| consolidated for transfer to the Army Marksmanship Unit or the National
| Guard Marksmanship Training Unit for use in their competitive
| marksmanship programs. MAJ Steven Spencer, as the All-USAR Shooting Team
| Ammunition Officer, is responsible for the
| disposition of ammunition.
| 4. The Army Marksmanship Unit will not order any new ammunition.
| Expendable items necessary for the successful completion of this year's
| activities may still be procured.
| 5. Additional information will be provided in future correspondence.
| 6. If we have to go out, let's go out with a big BANG (at Interservice
| and the Nationals that is).
| Helmut J. Hein Lynn Belcher
| Assistant Branch Chief,
| Individual Training Branch
| U.S. Army Reserve Command
| (404) 464-8315; fax 8313; DSN 367


New member
Wasn't it the reserves that formed the bulk of troops in Desert Storm?
Gee, think Bill wants "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight" to be the front liners facing the Chinese or something?

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Hmmm...may be a good thing come the civil war. Then again, all is well and who needs shooting skills anyway.


New member
if this is true, thaen i see it as a direct attack on any "sporting use" of a military style arm.

doc Zox


New member
from a web buddy:

Not sure what the USAR cancelling their team has to do with Clinton.....

Army and ARNG teams are unaffected. Nor is the ability of the "named"
folks to compete at any level they want -- they just don't draw drill pay
(or active duty pay) for doing it.


Staff Alumnus
Whose guns and programs are being disappeared isn't the point, Doc. You might want to pass that on to your friend.

The point is that a branch of the Army, whose marksmanship skills in general are freakin' pathetic, is losing another program to increase their abilities.

And don't even try to tell me that someone Very High isn't behind this. Programs which enjoy the support of the troops and officers don't just vanish without a push from someone in Washington.

Malice, or misguided attempts at budget-cutting: either way, this is bull****.


New member
Too Bad for us all.... just goes to show you that they are very serious about shutting down the "gun culture"!!!

One of these days........

What part of "INFRINGED" don't they understand?


New member
I just read in a news article that russia is issuing AK's and grenades to school kids (high school I guss) for madatory classes in military training. Also don't forget that russia and china seem to be pooling their military resources. (ships, misseles, etc).
And all this when we cut back everything in sight relating to the mililtary. The latest being the Army Markmanship Program. I think we are being led to the slaughter by Klintoon and his bunch of crazies.

Hard Ball

New member
Russia has done that for long time. Before WW2 it was called the Voroshilov Marksman program. Most young people , including a high percentage of the girls, were tauuht to use infantry weapons including hand grenades and machine guns. The better rifle shots were trained as snipers and practiced wuth scope sighted riles. This gigantic pool of trined personnel was one of the main reasons the Soviet Union survived WW2.


New member
If another country was doing to the US what Klinton is doing to the US, we would be at war with that country.

Klinton is doing to the US what Michael Jachson does to little boys.


New member
And under the heading of " other than small arms " we have yet another weakening of our means of defence.

Sam I am, grn egs n packin

Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19, 1962 that: " The United States will eventually fly the Communist Red Flag...the American people will hoist it themselves."


New member
Just checked out your link there, Sam. It's depressing but not suprising. Perhaps Clinton is trying to secure "Peace in our time". :rolleyes:


New member
U.S. Agrees to Total Nuclear Weapons Ban
Sunday, May 21, 2000

The United States agreed, for the first time since the explosion of
the first atomic weapon in 1945, to totally eliminate its nuclear

The sweeping U.S. policy was made Saturday when the U.S.
agreed with all other members of the U.N. Security Council to the
worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons.

The agreement had the full backing of the Clinton administration
and was endorsed by all five admitted nuclear powers - the
United States, Russia, Britain, France and China.

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Robert Einhorn led the U.S.
team during the final negotiations.

Secretary-General Kofi Annan, elated at the agreement,
declared it "marks a significant step forward in humanity's pursuit
of a more peaceful world - a world free of nuclear dangers, a
world with strengthened global norms for nuclear nonproliferation
and disarmament."

No date or schedule for the disarmament plans have been set.
But the Clinton administration has committed the U.S. to the new
agreement, a continuation of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

The new agreement signed Saturday demands the "unequivocal
undertaking by the nuclear-weapon states to accomplish the total
elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear

Other protocols will require the U.S. to:

- make full disclosure of the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

- begin lowering the "the operational status" of weapons.

- destroy nuclear warheads by first extracting plutonium and
uranium from them.

- agree to another treaty prohibiting the making of fissile
materials for weapons.

This latest agreement codifies Clinton administration policies that
have sought to reduce and eliminate the U.S. nuclear stockpile.

During the past eight years almost the entire U.S. tactical nuclear
stockpile - which was estimated at approximately 10,000
weapons - has been destroyed.

The administration has sought to greatly reduce the U.S.
strategic nuclear stockpile, currently with 6,000 warheads, to a
modest 1,500 warheads.

Such moves have met with some resistance from the Pentagon.
Previous Clinton administration directives, according to some
critics, have increased U.S. vulnerability to a Russian nuclear

One Clinton directive changed the U.S. policy of "launch on
warning" to one of "launch on destruction," meaning the U.S. can
launch a retaliatory strike against Russia or China only if it
confirms nuclear detonations on American soil.

Other Clinton administration proposals have called for welding
shut the missile hatch doors on nuclear submarines and the
removal of computer programs from land-based silos to locations
150 miles from the missile sites.
ernest2"s take. Put "raise button" on electronic soapbox!

I do believe that Konrade Klintinov is setting the USA "up" to take a big fall.

No neculear weapons, no trained soldiers,
army, navy & marine bases shut down & mothballed. Depleated to near non existance
tommahawk and cruise missle "reserves"
(READ ALMOST NONE LEFT) we used them all up in Bagdad and Kosovo and never replaced them.

And now Commrade Klintonov makes sure that the Army can't shoot straight.

Not to mention that out Stealth fighters and bombers have been going off line from wear & tear (more than 8 planes are no longer functional) and no new replacement planes.

I would say that the USA defensive capibilities are at an all time low , and this reminds me that we were in the exact
same condition just before the start of WW2.

When we let our military quit and retire
and do not replace trained personel, when we let out weapons stockpiles depleat to 10%
or less of what we should have on hand;
when we let our planes wear & tear and do not
replace those planes not repairable , our
strength and respone time deminishes and our
weakness encourages our enimies.

The same thing has happened to our schools.
In the 1950"s when teachers were allowed to carry handguns in class to protect students and themseves, we did not have criminals shooting up our school childern;
but when we disarm the schools so that no law abiding person is able to protect himself or any one else; the criminals see this weakness and sucessfully attack the school childern.

This happens because we believe Comrade Klintonov and his anti American rights socialists and disarm our teachers and therefore allow criminals to terrorize our schools because we are dealing from a position of weakness instead of a position of strength.

Instead of guarding our childern as good parents should, we are caught with our pants down because of socialist victim disarmament of our schools. Our teachers are disarmed and can protect no one, not even themselves.

Police arrive long after the last shot has been fired. Let our childern die, but risk no police officer's life.

The liberals trust police with their lives;
I would not trust police with pocket change,
let alone my life. I conclude this from the record of lives saved by police at Colimbine
High School, Collimbine Co. which was zero.
Not a single life saved by police before the criminals shot themselves.
Feel good socialist non working laws have
many prices; our freedoms, our rights ,our safety and the safety of our children.

The Second Ammendment is the last remiedy
available to us for the types of government
betrayal seen here.

Let us not also loose the second ammendment and have no remedy left to tynary.

Let us be extreemly vigialent in this year 2000 and 2001.


As they frequently say in the horror movies
just before the monster rips apart the unarmed and defenseless liberals, "I have
a bad feeling about this one"!....Famous
Last Words.

Liberals are unarmed and defenseless, because they believe in Klinton"s lies that they are safe and that the police would be able to protect them ; otherwise, they would not be liberals but rather, armed and thus
on our side.

And of course, just like in the movies, we end up defending the poor dumb unarmed liberals from the "monster" (Bill &Al) just because we are too softhearted to watch them die as a result of their own foolishness.


New member
maybe Bill isn't earth based evil incarnate,
maybe he is an alien, setting up our whole planet for a fall



New member
You know, I silently wonder how many AR and NG folks have taken an active role in the preservation of their Second Amendment Rights prior to this outrage? It suddenly appears that it is all too late to do any thing about the demise of certain service teams.

I’m sure that these folks have personal interests in firearms outside of their service teams. Anyone have any ideas on how to reach these folks before the “other foot“ drops?
