The Kel-Tek P22 and Annie Oakley


New member
I bought a Kel-Tec P-22 (new) at my local gun shop (Nuckols Gun Works, Staunton, VA) the other day for $205 and tested it out today with the wife in tow. I had also just bought a HiPoint C9 (new as well) the day before I got the P-11 at the same place for $145 (it's a disease I tells ya). The wife loves to shoot and has always been a better shot than I am but she flat out amazed me with the P-11! She was hitting a 6" circle at 25' - 30' 10 out of 10 even though she had never used a small DA auto and had only just learned to shoot DA with my Model 10 a month or so ago!

On a side note, she liked the C9 better and will keep it as her "car gun." I get to keep the P-11 as my pocket pistol. I had planned to get a derringer but saw the P-11 and figured for roughly $50 more, why not her a "real" gun?

chris in va

New member
Do you mean a P-32?

BTW Gov Kaine will be in Staunton monday at 5pm for a Q&A session about his recent duties, including the veto on restaurant carry. Shelburne Middle School.


New member
P11 is the now defunct 9mm compact (replaced by the PF9). I think the P22 resulted from not realizing which key he was pressing.


New member
The P11 is not defunct. The PF-9 is a single stack while the P11 is a double stack. The P11 was not replaced by the PF-9 to the best of my knowledge.


New member
I hear that KT will be upgrading the P11 to the same trigger as the PF9.
P11 2nd gen. I guess it will look a lot like the PF9 but be a double stack.


New member
There is a new version of the P-11 coming according to the KT forums. The trigger pull of my P-11 is long and heavy but I can still shoot it just fine even with my big hands.


New member
It will still be long just a pull weight of 5.5 pounds inseatd of the 8.5 pounds it has now. Won't have the second strike anymore either.