The Irony of It All


New member
Just finished watching the American President, and during the last big dramatic speech, I had to laugh. In the same speech he pushes the ACLU for defending the bill of rights, then tuns around and says "I'm gonna get the guns". Of course they use the favorite term Assault Weapons throughout the flick.

It's just a Bill Clinton fantasy... Hillary's dead, and he's a swingin' single.... "The Most Elligible Bachelor"...

Syndey in the film says it best.... "Your Crime bill that has no chance of actually preventing crime."


Moderator Emeritus
I was watching the end of the movie, too, when he gave that speech. After he said "I don't care if we have to go house-to-house, I'm going to get the guns." I said, "Molon Labe" out loud.

My wife asked me, "What did you say?"

I said, "Molon Labe. It's ancient Greek. It means 'come and take them.'"

She didn't press the topic any further. She doesn't like to start arguments this late on a Sunday night. ;)

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Actually, Sydney is lamenting the fact that the crime bill will not prevent crime, not because such things are stupid but because they've removed the "good" parts, like the total ban on "assault weapons" and handguns, to get it to move through Congress.
This, she feels, is grossly unjust, because she has a pet bill too. Hers is designed to force the building and buying of electric cars, since electricity is provided by Magical Spark Fairies at no cost to the environment. He was supposed to shepherd HER wacko Socialist bill through Congress, but double-crossed her to pass HIS wacko Socialist bill, which was made even worse by the fact that HIS wacko Socialist bill wasn't nearly as wacko and Socialist as she believed it should have been.

Yeah, it confuses me too. Still a fun movie, but Good Lawd....