The infamous Tennesse milk jug tests.


New member
I didn't have any goats so I used milk jugs.

I know milk jugs are not anywhere near as good a ballistic gelatin, for evaluating ammo, but I was curious to see how a few different handgun rounds performed.

For "control" purposes, I fired one round, S. African surplus 5.56 from a Bushmaster AR, with 16" barrel, into a jug of water from 25'.
To say the jug exploded was an understatement.
It would appear that the bullet fragmented, based on multiple exit holes.

All handgun rounds fired from 5' away, on level plane into a 1 gallon milk jug full of water.

1. 9mm, jhp, Speer Gold Dot +P, from Glock 19.
The jug exploded almost as completely as the .5.56mm round.
When re-assembling the jug to examine the exit "wound", it would appear that there was good expansion of the round.

2. 9mm, jhp, Federal Hydra-Shok, stadard pressure, from a Kahr MK9.
The jug exploded, but the devastation was not as complete as the +P round. The round did not appear to have expanded, based on the exit hole.

3. .32 cal Winchester Silvertip jhp, from a KelTec P32.
The jug burst with a single split down the back, no apparent expansion on the exit hole.

4. .22 CCI Stinger jhp, from a Ruger MKII, (4" barrel).
There was actually slightly more damage to the jug than the .32 round. No apparent expansion.

All rounds exited the jug and were buried (lost) in a clay bank 2 ft. away.

Note: These results are not presented as scientific in any way.
Sure was fun though!


New member
The validity of your tests leave much to be desired. You failed to include important data. Specifically did the jugs as they left the store contain whole milk or 2% milk? ;)

E. BeauBeaux

New member
Also were they the light safe yellow jug's or basic clear. These thing's have a dramatic effect on bullet performance... ;)


New member
Good points my friends.
Now you see my shortcomings as a scientist.
All jugs were yellow, 2% jugs.
Oh, and the water was tap, not spring or distilled.



New member
I'm shocked at this callous treatment of our brothers in the plastic kingdom, and have reported you to the Ethical Treatment of Milk Jugs chapter of the National Organization for People Who Whine About Everything. We intend to sue so that we can collect lots of money and quit our jobs in order to devote more time to whining about stuff.

- Aion


New member
Proper investigative techniques

Everyone knows you have to add food coloring or red ink to the water.




New member
The next step is to compare the carefully measured effects to real-world-street performance statistics. Since we are using milk jugs, it would be prudent to survey cattle from different regions of the country. I'm sure they will be able to pull plenty of BS out of their hind ends :D


New member
Use enough jugs to trap the projectile.
Thy using different types of cloth over first jug.

Tho not great, and messy, will actually give some indication of bullet performance.

To be scientific, you must be able to duplicate the results. We don't know whether you were using Perrier, distilled water or old water from your radiator. ;)

James K

Member In Memoriam
Now we know what to use in case of an attack by infuriated milk jugs. But then THEY could plead self-defense, couldn't they?

Seriously, as a measure of the degree of hydrostatic shock, the "milk jug" test is about as good as most tests of the kind, and a lot cheaper. And no protests from PETA.



New member
was your "tap" water hard or softened that also has an effect on expansion and penetration . net week are you going to conduct the generic pop vs.namebrand challange??
pepsi vs. coke vs. piggly wiggly which one stops bullets better :D


New member
When I read the topic of this thread I assumed someone did a test on some chick whose last name was Milk. Somethin' like Cindy Milk or maybe Harvey Milk's sister. Anyways, it piqued my interest. I was a hoppin' that validity was achieved using Dolly Parton. I have always wanted to do some testin' on Daisy Fuentes. But that's for another post on another forum.

Now my feeble mind is a achin' causin' I jus kain't figure out hows jugs can be a connected to guns...

Hey Aion,

Can you get me a job workin' for one of those complainin' outfits? I've werked fer the govmet long enough that I got er figured out!

If one were to fill a 2% milk jug with chicken feathers and then blast away at it with a handgun, would the results be chicken sh#t?

Keep laughlin',


New member
Hey mini14jac,

I read where you was havin' difficulty findin' goats. Have you thought about experimentin' on sheep? I hear they run pretty fast out there in Tennessee, and they's liars to boot!

Take care,


New member
mini14jac, what a poor excuse for a scientific test.

Did you measure the amount of water in each jug?
Were the jugs capped with screw on or clip on?
If screw on did you measure the force you used to tighten the caps with a torque wrench?
Did you remove the labels? You know that labels will seriously affect the penetration of any bullet and cause the plastic to hold together better!

Heavenly days, if you're going to post such an unscientific test, how can we jump to any conclusions?


New member
You caught me!
One of the jugs had a screw on lid, but I didn't mention it, because I knew it would skew the results.
Now all my data is worthless!

You guys have got me thinking.
What if you took generic soda, in 2 litre bottles, and shook it up really good.
I could put my video camera on that hi-speed mode for capturing golf swings, of course I would need to cover it with plastic...........

E. BeauBeaux

New member
mini14jac, I sure am glad you have a sense of humor. We've had a great run with this. Hope you understand it was all in fun.

Just speaking for myself guy's, don't jump on me.:D


New member
Even as a full time jello junkie, I still love plinking at milkjugs. Just a tip, to get the best explosions, glue the caps on.


New member
I've used milk jugs to test bullet expansion, but I filled 'em with fine sand. Set them in a row and see what kind of penetration/expansion you get
.41 mag 210gr LSWC will stop in the third one from about 20 yards


New member
Well, if you take away my sense of humor, I'm just another pretty face.:D

Seriously though,;) has anybody ever done this type of test with jello in the jugs?
It would take my entire fridge to prepare a few jugs, so I will have to wait until my wife is out of town. :rolleyes:
She just doesn't understand me sometimes.

And, I did wonder how many jugs it would take to capture the round.
Seems like I tried two before, and that wasn't enough.