The impending War On Terrorism


Staff Alumnus
Before we jump into yet another War On (fill in the blank), consider:

I have a 3x5 flag hanging on a wall in my house.

I have a pocket copy of the Declaration and Constitution.

I have more than one gun, and more than 10 cartridges.

And I have a copy of Unintended Consequences.

Any one of these will set off red lights. All of them together will surely brand me as a terrorist in the eyes of the FBI.

How many of you fit the profile as well?

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Add to all that Conservative beliefs and any Religeous beliefs...
Yeah - You fit a PROFILE.

Stay away from any windows.


New member
We have seen the enemy, and he is not us!!

I think that the general public got a real wakeup call on Monday. I think there is a possibility that a few people will get out of their PC-thinking ruts and see reality for what it is.

I have hoped that since Herr Klinton has been gone, that there may be a rebirth of sorts in the FBI to change it back into the legitimate law enforcement agency that it once was from the SS-style political machine it had become under Butch Reno.

I hope I do not sound like I have been smoking crack.


Staff Alumnus
GWG, no, I'm not. But people who have no connection with drugs are killed by the government in the War On Some Drugs. People who had no connection with alcohol were killed by the government during Prohibition I.

George, you can add libertarianism to the list as well. Devotion to anything but government will be suspicious, and when government agents get suspicious, innocent people get dead.

I surely hope I'm wrong... but I don't think I am. We are about to trade the last of our essential Liberty for an illusion of Safety and receive neither.