The immigration laws this country are already in writing


New member
Article 1
In the United States of America every individual will enjoy the guarantees granted in this Constitution and these cannot be restricted or suspended, except in those cases and under the conditions established below.
When you enter the country as a "tourist", you are allowed to remain for a maximum of 180 days for the purposes of recreation, health, artistic or sports activities. You may not work in the United States of America.
If you arrive by air:
You must have your immigration form and present it to the immigration authorities upon arrival at the airport of your destination within the United States of America.
If you arrive by road:
You must request your immigration form after having paid the tourist fees at a local bank. Your vehicle must leave the country when your tourist card expires. You cannot sell your car within United States of America nor use it for any other unauthorized purpose.
If you arrive by sea:
You must obtain your immigration permit after having paid the fees at the port of entrance.
Once your authorized 180 days are up, you must leave the country.
If you wish to re-enter the country:
You can do so with a new immigration form granted by the immigration authorities at the place of entry after having paid the corresponding fee.
You may extend your stay in United States of America as a:
Person of independent means: Defined as one who lives off of income generated outside of the United States of America.
Financially dependent person:
Defined as one who is economically dependent on a spouse or blood relative.
In a position of trust:
Defined as a person who assumes a sole managerial role or some other position of absolute trust in established American companies or institutions.
Defined as a person who begins, finishes or perfects his studies in the United States of America. Once the student terminates his/her studies, he/she must leave the country.
Religious minister or associate:
Defined as an active minister of any religion or a person who performs social or philanthropic acts. you must still register with the INS.
Political exile:
Defined as a person who enters the country to protect his/her liberty or life, from political persecution in his/her country of origin. You must have permission from the State department and you may not leave the country without permission from the State department if your request is granted.
Business visitor or investor:
Defined as a person who enters the country for the purpose of seeking alternate investment prospects or for carrying these out. In this case, the foreigner must comply with the Foreign Investment Law requirements.
Defined as person who is in transit to another country and passes through United States territory. A Transmigrant has the right to remain in the country for a maximum of 30 days.
To obtain an extension of the aforementioned categories you must go to the immigration department, taking with you your immigration form and valid passport, where upon fulfilling all additional requirements and having paid the corresponding fees, the extension of your immigration document can be authorized.
You may extend your stay on four occasions, each for maximum of 365 days. With the authorization to remain in United Staes of America temporarily, you may enter or leave the country without any restrictions, except in the case of a tourist.
With regard to all the above categories, if you wish to acquire some property, you may do so after fulfilling the necessary legal requirements.
You must never have two immigration documents simultaneously.
All foreigners entering the country, except in a case of a tourist, must request their name be entered in the National Foreigner’s Registry.
Once you have obtained a permanent address in United States of America, you have 30 days in which to request that your address, or change of, be noted in your immigration document.
During your stay in the United States of America, if your civil status changes, you must notify the immigration authorities within a maximum of 30 days from the event.
In the case of marriage to a American national, or adoptions, you will be required to obtain the Immigration department’s authorization.
To extend your activities, or change employer, you require the Immigration Department’s authorization and payment of the corresponding fee.
In the case of loss or theft of your immigration document, you must file a report before the State Attorney General, To obtain a replacement of your immigration document, you must present a photocopy of the above report.
If you wish to leave the country and your immigration document is being processed, notify the department and you may obtain an exit and re-entry permit valid for a maximum of 45 days.
If you wish to leave the country, you must hand in your immigration document to the immigration department before you leave.

If you substitute Mexico in the spots where it says the United States or America you have what the Mexican goverment uses as law. WSo why do we have to write legislation from scratch? Plus the Mexican Government would have to quit whining.

Works for me!


New member
I don't understand. It appears to be a condensed version of US immigration law. If that's Mexican immigration law, it would appear to have been copied from the US.


You should check out Rush Limbaugh's site

First: If you immigrate to our country, you have to speak the native language. You have to be a professional or an investor; no unskilled workers allowed. Also, there will be no special bilingual programs in the schools with the Limbaugh Laws. No special ballots for elections. No government business will be conducted in your language. Foreigners will not have the right to vote — or hold political office.

If you’re in our country, you cannot be a burden to taxpayers. You are not entitled to welfare, food stamps, or other government goodies. You can come if you invest here: an amount equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. If not, stay home. But if you want to buy land, it'll be restricted. No waterfront, for instance. As a foreigner, you must relinquish individual rights to the property.

And another thing. You don’t have the right to protest. You're allowed no demonstrations, no foreign flag waving, no political organizing, no bad-mouthing our President or his policies. You’re a foreigner: shut your mouth or get out! And if you come here illegally, you're going to jail.

You think the Limbaugh Laws are harsh? Well, every one of the laws I just mentioned are actual laws of Mexico today! That’s how the Mexican government handles immigrants to their country. Yet Mexicans come here illegally and protest in our streets!

He's right.



New member
The point would be that these are the the actual laws from Mexico for immigration. I simply exchanged the words Mexico and the United States of America. The Mexican Goverment is moaning and groaning about our proposed changes to our immigration law. If we make our immigration laws mirror Mexico's laws then how can they have any complaints? How can the protesters in the street complain? Our good represenatives in Congress dont have to do any thinking, just some cut n paste, a little debate and pass it and start building the fence and fining companies heftey levies for hiring illegal immigrants.