The Gun Show was Bed, Bath and Beyond

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
There was a gun show on the drive path of my chores today so I thought I'd waste the seven bucks - was I correct!

I think of all the tables only about three were classic gun tables. This is the first time I saw a giant table full of Egyptian cotton sheets! Mister Pen was there. Tons of cheap crap jewelry, Chinese 5 dollar knives, crappy coin dealers, sugared nuts.

One ammo - dealer:

30 bucks for a box of Crapolastan 9mm. 84 bucks for 333 22LRs.

Guns: crap handguns for inflated prices - even thing like Nagants for 300 bucks. One guy had an Colt M-4 for 2500 dollars.

Total waste of time except for research purposes.

However, the local sporting goods chain - had lots of WWB 45 ACP in 50 round boxes for $21. The trick is you can only buy one box at a time. They had a few semi pistols at regular prices. Ex.: Glock 17 for $529 - gen 3.

The show reminded me of Homer Simpson going to buy a gun at Blood, Bath and Beyond. Sheets - Geez!


New member
Gunshows are working hard to make themselves irrelevant with this kind of stupidity.

Doesn't anybody have some good news? Anybody?


New member
where was this one at...was it in wichita...was thinking about makeing the drive down there but its about a 2hr drive for me...has anyone been to the wichita gun show this weekend if so is it worth me drivin down tomorrow

Alabama Shooter

New member
Guns: crap hanguns for inflated prices - even thing like Nagants for 300 bucks. One guy had Colt M-4 for 2500 dollars.

Think that is crazy? Someone bought one on line and had it shipped to the LGS.

The owner showed me the invoice. $3250.

84 bucks for 333 22LRs.

I want to extend an offer to anyone here who needs a box for the paltry sum of $79.

Sounds like it was worth the price of admission.


New member
Went to one in Conroe tx a few weeks ago. They had one or two worthless crap tables but the rest were over inflated prices on guns and ammo. Saw 1,000 .223 rounds for $2,000!!!!


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New member
There is one that happens in my area. I refer to it as the Knife, razor, kitchen tool, edged weapon, sharp thing, pointy thing, collectable blades, and an occasional gun show. I consider my time too important to attend such a waste. We used to joke about asking where THE gun table was.
I go to other places now where GUNS are prominent.


New member
This is why I skipped the one in my area this month. Not interested in paying panic prices for anything right now and not in the market for Egyptian sheets.


New member
All of these stupid gun show prices nearly have me wanting to sell most of my guns and ammo and come back when things calm down. I could then come back and buy some custom guns and have some money left over.


New member
Last week here in Maine the Augusta show had an Avon table with two ladies running it, a smoke alarm/burgalar alarm table, and a few tables of junk. There were a few deals to be had... but not many. ;)

The line was looong... and when I left it was loooooooonger.


New member
I have yet to witness the gun show craziness first hand. By all reports though there weren't that many deals at the shows before that poor woman let her deranged kid steal her guns. I think a lot of it is just that there are 10 times as many people showing up. You can't fault the organizers. They don't set the prices.


Active member
All I've got to say is I remember:

The Hunt Brothers and Silver Hoarding
The crash
The Real Estate bubble...........

And, this is clearly a gun bubble.


New member
I have NEVER been to a gun show....

It doesn't look like I'll start either... (until things cool off)


New member
I feel your Pain Glenn.
Last three gun shows I went to were bust.
Normally I go just looking for new things I haven’t seen before and WWII Navy Stuff for my grandfather-in-law.

Went to one OK one here locally; prices were high, the show was kind of insane and this was in early December! I did get a "don't tread on me floormat" for my brother in law though. He liked it.

Went to a small one spurr of the moment in Wisconsin on the way back from Walmart...what a waste of money. All old beat up deer rifles and duck guns for almost as much as a new model. Very few modern firearms and those they had were overprices, ammo was 1.25-2x what it should have been.

Honestly, if Walmart sells a 50 round box of 9MM Federal FMJ for $13.99...and you CAN still find it at this price even to this do you get off trying to sell the same for $19.99 or $24.99?

Second gun show I went to up in WI was good in the past, sadly all of the guys I went there to see were absent from this show. No new cheap chi-com laser to keep my cats busy, no more cool old navy stuff for Grand-Dad and worst of all no good ammo dealers.
Yes they had people selling sheets, cheap chi-com knives, cheap jewelry. Lots of knock off and chi-com optics. Only one dealer selling "brand name" EOtechs, Aimpoints, ACOGS's etc and his prices are just a little high.

I did buy some PMAGS at a good price, but that was about it.

I think I am going to stay away from gunshows until at least the summer and then wait for a gunshow on an ungodly hot weekend. Maybe when it is 105F in some of these shows it will drive the panic buyers away. I have an advantage there, living in Florida for 7 years really thinned my blood!


New member
No thanks! I have a strict policy about not attending gun shows. Even in the best of times I never liked them much. Tight crowds, few deals, weird nonsense stuff for sale, and the occasional crackpot make this an unexciting destination for yours truly.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
TX had decent guns shows. Standard new firearms had the best prices there. Ammo wasn't that hot unless you wanted something a touch exotic but even then online was better.

For example, a new Glock 17 might run $489 at the show but 529 at the best big box local store.

However, I heard in Austin the line for that show was an hour to get in.

I'm not waiting an hour to see Egyptian Cotton Bed Sheets.

Don P

New member
Went to the local gun show. Arrived at 4 PM. No lines waiting to get in. Vender's I know stated lines were long to get in at 9 am. Also was told the Lakeland Gun show two exhibit halls had a 2 hour wait in line to get in. Ludicrous if you ask me snaking through the cattle gates for a gun show.
At the local show a dealer had a stripped down AR for $2,395 and I didn't even look any further at the ones with optics on them. Most dealers were extremely proud of the guns they were trying to sell over priced is putting it mildly.:eek: