the gun rights rubber stamp advertising brigade,Get Our Message Read


New member

Funny the stuff I find cleaning out my email box. This a good idea that never would have occured to me.

Go to the stationary store or photo copy store and have them make a small rubber stamp for you with the following or similar message:
Protect your second ammendment civil
firearms rights. Vote Bush 2000
OR : Protect your second ammendment constitutional rights by Voting Bush 2000
use red or blue or black ink depending upon
how noticable you want your message to be.
stamp dollar bills.

"Tucker, Dan" wrote:

Sounds like a damn Good idea to me!
NY C.A.N. Op
518.56.8011 ext254

Those of you who live in big cities may remember seeing dollar bills that
were stamped GAY DOLLAR. This was to remind everyone of the buying power of the gay
community. This made a lot of people wise up that at least they better be nice to gays if they didn't
want so suffer economic consequences. These stamps (among other actions) also raised the
visibility of gays to a level not known before. In any case, you see the result. In Illinois you have a
Republican governor trying to pass a gay rights bill. Members of his closest staff are openly gay.
Gun owners? Not a one in least not one who'll admit to it. Gun Rights? Sure, Governor
Ryan will be happy to take them away! HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED!

So, we are starting our own version of the GAY DOLLAR -

We ordered our first batch of stamps and will be ready to ship them the Tuesday following Memorial Day. Here is what the stamp will look like:


These are inkless stamps so you will have to get a red ink pad. These stamps are perfect for marking legal and tender things. The GAY DOLLAR was a huge success, I hope GUN OWNER$ will be too! can we duplicate that success? Gonna take a lot of stamps!

You can get a stamp two ways:

1. Send a $15 donation (not tax deductible thank you very much!) to
Concealed Carry, Inc., PO BOX, 4597 Oak Brook, IL 60522-4597 and I'll send a stamp. If you send less, I'll probably send a stamp anyway. Concealed Carry, Inc. is paying $5.50 per stamp (I know,
someone out there can get them for less!). If you want more than one stamp, call me and we can work out a much lower rate. We are going to contact the bank about taking Visa/MasterCharge today. For now, we have to do this the snail mail way.

2. Go to your local Office Supply shop and tell them to make a stamp that says GUN OWNER$ in18 Point Helvetica Bold Font. If you get a self-inking stamp request red ink.

Please note: We mentioned that gays used to stamp money. While we don't recall any of them being arrested for doing so,
we're not telling anyone how to use this stamp
nor suggesting it be used to stamp anything "Legal and Tender.

If you would...pass this on to other lists that may be interested in participating in our little act of rebellion.


New member
I got one, how about writing "" on EVERY bill you have!

People will goto this site, and learn!

Dead [Black Ops]


New member
I just put my $15.00 check in the mail. As soon as I get it, I'll start stamping until my arms fall off!

Thanks for the work in getting themn out to us as it is easier to send you the $$ than it is to run into town and make the connection with a local business.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.


Elger, it sounds like you have way to much "legal and tender". I suggest you start investing in some new toys I'd like to have. No you won't get any interest on the investment other that the satisfaction that you are making someone very happy! :D

Keiller TN

New member
I admit, that the idea amuses me, but I think I would find a more legit. way to spread the truth. I would refuse a "Gay dollar" for instance, and I think there are plenty of people who would refuse a "Gun dollar."

"Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it:
except the Lord guards the city, the watchman stays awake in vain." (Psalm 127:1)

"Freedom is given to the human conditionally, in the assumption of his constant religious responsibility."
(Alexander Solzhenitzyn)


New member
I like Deads idea.It can be done right now without waiting for a stamp to be made.

I can`t agree with you Keiller.I`d bet most people will accept money regardless of what is marked on it.It`s legal tender for all debts,public and private.It might even be illegal for a business to refuse to accept it.



New member
Last I knew if US currency was refused the debt was null and void.

If you have a problem stamping money use it on your checkbook.

This is a great way to show the volume of gun owners that exist in this country. We really need the visibility.

I am amused at the resistance to this type of activity. At most it is a VERY MILD form of civil disobedience, if at all since it would most likely be protected by the first amendment. We are just using the currency to speak for us. The stamp doesn't destroy the currency or render it useless. If we aren't capable of doing this how could we do anything more drastic such as fight to the death that so many claim they will do.

As for me, they can take my stamp when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.


New member
Where can I order one of those little nifty machines that takes $.50 to smash a penny into a souviner? (sp?) :D Then we could have 'em smash out the TFL logo!

President, FUD's Fan Club.


New member
I have 2 "GUNOWNER $$" stamps in blue ink already. No one has refused the money, but I have had a few comments about it, mostly curiosity.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center


New member
Am I having fun!!!
I received my stamp today in the mail, ran down to the stationary store and purchased a "Blue" ink pad then on to my bank where I got $500.00 in $1.00 bills; $200.00 in $5 bills; $100 in $10.00 bills and $200.00 in $20 bills. Started stamping my way through them and in no time they were done.
This load of stamped bills is my cache and each night I will exchange what is in my wallet for the stamped ones....There will be a flood of stamped bills in my area for sure.

Anyone else been stamping their little heart out?

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.

[This message has been edited by Elker_43 (edited October 05, 2000).]


New member
As far as a promo - I'd think that one of the more persuasive things we could stamp would be Oleg's web site...

Now if I can just remember what it is...

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
How about some of Oleg's "Self defense is a basic human right" stamps? Mix and match.

Byron Quick


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elker_43:
Am I having fun!!!
I received my stamp today in the mail, ran down to the stationary store and purchased a "Blue" ink pad then on to my bank where I got $500.00 in $1.00 bills; $200.00 in $5 bills; $100 in $10.00 bills and $200.00 in $20 bills. Started stamping my way through them and in no time they were done.

Now mail them ALL to me and I promise to be veeeeery impressed . <VBG>



New member
My wife works in a bank and has some news on stamped money . Many banks see things stamped or written on money it goes into " Mutilated " and goes out of circulation . Keep it small and it should live a long life .



New member
Yea, the $$ will probably b sucked up as "Mutilated" but I don't care. This is my current frustration release and it is my part of "Civil Disobedience". I plan on continuing it until either I run out of $$ or the stationary store no longer has ink pads.

To own firearms is to affirm that freedom and liberty are not gifts from the state.


New member
Keep in mind that once a new bill leaves the bank, the average life expectancy is only about 6 months before it gets too worn to continue in circulation. They're all going to get destroyed eventually anyway, and if our gun$$ gets destroyed a little ahead of schedule, so what? The message still gets across.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center


New member
Okay - Hit Office Despot last night, and ordered two stamps - One sez "NRA Dollar" and the other sez "" which is Oleg's site... I like his soft tone of imparting info, and the diverse nature of the site...

Cost was $8 for the pair. I may get a few more "NRA Dollar" stamps and leave 'em at my gun club.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bogie:
Okay - Hit Office Despot last night, and ordered two stamps - One sez "NRA Dollar" and the other sez "" which is Oleg's site... I like his soft tone of imparting info, and the diverse nature of the site...

Cost was $8 for the pair. I may get a few more "NRA Dollar" stamps and leave 'em at my gun club.


I had mine made up a couple months ago, "Gun Owner" and have been stamping since (even stamped a few "Bermudies" when i was there in July :D )

I think my next one will be of Oleg's site.
I really like this idea :D


"[Even if there would be] few tears shed if and when the Second Amendment is held to guarantee nothing more than the state National Guard, this would simply show that the Founders were right when they feared that some future generation might wish to abandon liberties that they considered essential, and so sought to protect those liberties in a Bill of Rights. We may tolerate the abridgement of property rights and the elimination of a right to bear arms; but we should not pretend that these are not reductions of rights." -- Justice Scalia 1998


New member
Who care if the $$ goes out of circualtion. It is not the Bank we wish to impress, but the merchants doing the selling. It has to go through the merchant and then it gets to the bank. The point is made on more than one front. 1) the merchant gets a hint. 2) the bank gets a hint and 3)the FED gets a hint. On another note, foronce our tax $$ may be spent having someone actually work. The more $$ they have to print the more $$ they spend on something actually useful.

"Liberty is never unalienable; it must be redeemed regularly with the blood of patriots or it always vanishes."
-R.A. Heinlein
If you know any waiters, waitresses, bartenders, be sure to get these stamps for them as well - you would not believe the volume of money I would handle in a given evening when I worked as a server and a bartender... 5 minutes with a rubber stamp and I'd have had some serious fun.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for