The Gun Kahr Should Make


New member
While I haven't shot or even seen one in person yet, I'm very impressed by the new Kahr PM9 (the polymer framed sub-mini 9mm). However, I would love to see Kahr come out with one of these in .40 caliber with a lightweight titanium/scandium slide. It'd be the perfect carry gun.

I did email them, and they promptly responded. Unfortunately, they said that they did not have plans to come out with an .40 cal PM series gun, nor were they planning on a titanium/scandium gun in the immediate future. Kahr seems to be on a roll, though, making good quality and well designed guns, each one smaller and lighter than the last. If you all agree with me on a PM40/titanium (we can call it the "Brandon Gun"), drop Kahr an email (there's an email link at


New member
I understand that Justin Moon experimented with just that, but there were reliability problems, so the project was scrapped!!!


New member
KelTec had a .40.
It was wider than the a Kahr PM40 would be, so it should have easier to shoot.

KelTec quit making the gun.
Too many returns.
I think the general consensus is that most people simply could not hold on to the small, light gun, shooting .40 cal ammo.
Limpwristing caused jams.
Guns were returned, only to have the factory find nothing wrong.

I tried +P ammo once in a KelTec 9mm, and it jammed almost every shot.
The same gun shot fine with standard pressure ammo.
The problem was the shooter (me), not the gun.

A small, thin, light, polymer .40 cal. Kahr would be very difficult to shoot.
I doubt that we will see one.


New member

don't think it would work. With a lightweight slide, the slide velocity would be way too high, resulting in feed problems and impact/durability issues. Only way around that would be to make the recoil spring ridiculously heavy. They could do a plastic frame and steel slide, but not a lightweight slide.



New member
Before getting my MK40 I tried a P40 Covert at a target range and was impressed with the trigger feel and accuracy, but just 25 rounds of Lawman target rounds had left my hand numb and shaking. Since I couldn't afford one gun to practice with and one to carry I got the stainless steel MK40. If I had more money I'd get the P40 covert to carry and keep the MK40 to practice. I'd imagine a normal PM40 or titanium PM40 would give one a whole lot of felt recoil. I shot a Taurus titanium .45 colt snubbie once, fun for about 5 rounds but after that ouch!


New member
Very much like shrinking a computer keyboard, shrinking a handgun has a point of diminishing returns. This applies to to a ratio of power, weight and grip size. As companies experiment with lightweight materials and smaller and smaller handguns we may finally see that lower threshold.

For my money and shooting the MK40 is that lower limit. I have never fired an MP 9 so it may well be even better. But until then the MK40 is, for me, the champ in the power/weight/size/controlability race.

Your milage may vary.


New member
[KSFreeman shaking off post-office exhaustion trance, ears forward] Mr. Irwin, what's all this then? Steel framed .45 like the K9!:cool:

I read, er, I have a friend that reads the gun rags and he must have missed this article. Where do I sign up for the pester campaign?


New member
I would have to disagree that a PM40 would be the way to go. I think a P45/K45 would be a huge seller for Kahr. Then they could lure sales from .45 purists. Would prolly only hold 5+1 rounds though.

Going smaller than the K/P sized frame in a .45 would limit the capacity of the gun to the point that no one would want it. 3+1 anyone? Hell no.

Personally, I think they should spend some time improving their customer service infrastructure. It sucks as it is. I've had two experiences with them, neither were very good. This is the feeling I've gotten from everyone else that's dealt with them as well. Follow those improvements up with the .45's and that'll take them along for the next 5 years.


I would like to see Kahr make a compact 10mm,to compete with the Glock 29,because Sig won't...:(
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Navy joe

New member
MK45 !!! Read and do Justin Moon!

Had fun today. Using my MK40 and R-P Express HP was pinging the 50yd steel torso targets. Right good for a boot gun. Of course the 12ga slug just plain blew the steel free of its welds to the stand after a couple of whacks. :D


New member
I think that a .40 has about as much recoil as a .357 Mag, maybe a little less. While I find my S&W340sc to be punishing with full house .357 loads, it's not unbearable. I don't think that a .40 cal semi-auto weighing in around 12 ounces would be too much to handle.