The gun gods were good today!


New member
I recently found a S&W M&P rifle at a gun shop about an hour away and put it in layaway until I could get there and get it out. I haven't seen one at a local store in a long time. The price was not cheap but was below MSRP and below prices I've seen elsewhere online when they do show up.

As I was filling out the paperwork, I noticed a gentleman looking at a pistol. The store had just received a shipment of Ruger LCPs. I've never even seen one of those at the local stores since they came out. I didn't hesitate. I got one of those, too. And, it was below MSRP! Now I have something to carry in place of my Colt Mustang I want to retire from active service.

So, all in all, an excellent day even if the wallet is empty. :D


New member
Nice finds. Glad to hear there are still some respectable gun stores out there not profiteering from the hype. It's my hope and belief that the stores that are taking advantage of the hysteria will be remembered well when times are tough for them. I've certainly made a mental note of the store that tried to sell me a box of 20 9mm SD rounds for $45.

Anyway, enough of my rant...'twas a good day indeed for you! Both ARs and LCPs are so tough to come by and to get them both in one day and below current market prices. You should go buy a lottery ticket. ;)


New member
I saw some Russian AKs, some FNH assault rifles, a Galani, and some real Uzis at my local gun show last weekend, small gun show too.


New member
The LCPs were scarce even before the Great Gun Buying Panic. When they first came out, I had kept thinking I might get one whenever there was one locally to inspect in person. It never happened. As far the M&P was concerned, I had thought about buying one a year ago but kept putting it off. Then, when I was about ready to buy one, they became scarce.

It probably worked out okay in the long run. Ruger (hopefully) got the kinks out of the pistol and I know that SW brought most of the manufacturing of the gun in-house and made some improvements. So, I'm a happy camper. :)