The Government wants SUBJECTS...


Staff In Memoriam
We all know they want to take the guns for this reason but here is another example... I hear folks saying the government should offer short term welfare for folks to "get back on their feet"...
Foodstamps is proof that this not their intention. If it were their intention than livestock, seeds and garden tools would be eligible items. I guarantee you would benefit more by putting that money in a garden and chicken coop than imported produce and high dollar eggs and milk!
Why is a bag of ice eligible or a pound (13 ounces) of coffee? Neither has a nutrition label for good reason. Why can you buy a bottle of water that cost ALOT more than gasoline? The WIC program requires you buy the lowest priced item of same thing such as store brand rather than JIF p-nut butter. Why are food stamps not handled the same way? It is because they are Vote Dollars used to buy SUCKERS!


New member
Yah, the government should get together with the good folks at Purina and make "Poor People Chow".
Heck they did it for seniors.

Because real food is for real people.


New member
I hate to tell you this, but most poor folks live in places where they can't raise a garden or keep chickens or other livestock. It is kind of hard to raise a garden in an asphalt parking lot or cement-covered courtyard, and chickens don't do well inside an apartment. A hundred years ago, when many more people lived in the country, you would have had a point.


New member
For crying out loud. If we keep feeding poor people, they'll reproduce and there's going to be more of them. Hello?


Staff In Memoriam
TexasFats, I am so glad you bring this up... Most live where jobs abound... in town. I think those automatically in need of assistance is the medically/mentally unable to work... If you can get yer tail to the food stamp office you CAN work. Next thing is the part about what is eligible... So why is bottled water and ice as well as NON FOOD such as coffee allowed while a beer with a known food value is not? Beer (not to excess) is a better food than soda which is allowed. I ain't saying feed them cat food... I am saying the ebt card should be used to provide the most food value per dollar. Hell I can't bite my tongue much longer in house of wal much longer! I see people super healthy (better not block them you will get run over) shopping buying items of extravagance and not using any sense while my wife spends 10-12 minutes per aisle minimum looking at price per ounce picking managers special (nearly old) meats special buys... when she asked if I want this or that I LIE and say "No Honey" because I can't justify her expense while I am still unable to work. She asked me if I wanted a pint of cottage cheese and I know it was a lie test cuz a "No Honey" woulda blown my cover:eek:
Than we max our food budget and lo-and behold the "super shoppers" are banging $300 bones worth of food on an EBT card and it fits in the same space as our $115... I just think it should be sustenance coverage. It should also include a free education as to how best use the "REAL FOODS" allowed on the card to best nutritional value per dollar per mouth to feed...


Staff In Memoriam
Jaser that is another issue altogether... BABY FACTORY WELFARE MOOCH MOMMAS! I know this ain't China but sooner or later a gal needs to use one aspirin held firmly between the knees (Mom taught my sisters this) as birth control!


I guarantee you would benefit more by putting that money in a garden and chicken coop than imported produce and high dollar eggs and milk!
That would require the government to give them a farm, too, y'know. And to move them out of dense urban areas. :p
For crying out loud. If we keep feeding poor people, they'll reproduce and there's going to be more of them. Hello?


Most live where jobs abound... in town.
Eh, sometimes it's a hell of a lot harder than you think to find a job in a town when you don't have any skills. They should learn such skills, I agree. But if they were raised by lousy parents then one can't simply expect them to toss away eighteen years of conditioning and suddenly turn into upstanding citizens.

Plus, some of them have kids. Hard to find a job when it means paying for child care that negates any wage you receive. Then they shouldn't have had kids, I would say. Nice idea but that doesn't do anything to help those kids that currently exist.

Part of me thinks that the state should be able to take kids away from parents that can't afford to care for them but then again once that door is opened you'd allow for them to take kids away from parents that can't provide for them mentally as well as physically.
I think those automatically in need of assistance is the medically/mentally unable to work... If you can get yer tail to the food stamp office you CAN work.
Agreed! I do think they should find work and that help should be limited to those that are genuinely disabled. But punishing the kids of these parents is just plain heartless.
Next thing is the part about what is eligible... So why is bottled water and ice as well as NON FOOD such as coffee allowed while a beer with a known food value is not? Beer (not to excess) is a better food than soda which is allowed
oh c'mon is not food :p it offers no nutritional value whatsoever

But I do agree that the food limitations are ridiculous. There's a lot of stuff allowed for purchase with food stamps that just shouldn't cut it. Basic necessities for cooking, vegetables, fruit, meat, pasta, rice, dairy, etc. Premade anything should be disqualified; children need less processed food anyways, they don't need to be eating anything that comes out of a freezer and into a microwave.
I just think it should be sustenance coverage. It should also include a free education as to how best use the "REAL FOODS" allowed on the card to best nutritional value per dollar per mouth to feed...
Yes sir. Absolutely.

The terrible nutrition of our youth is one of the reasons America is one of the fattest countries in the world.


Staff In Memoriam
Redworm agreed with me on something....
I will argue that if it has a nutritional information label IT MUST BE FOOD! Beer does... Booze don't... Coffee don't and is allowed but soda does... Soda ain't a food but is allowed... So why not NON FOOD beer? I wasn't gonna open the processed food card but since you did... if momma can't work cuz of the kids she can slice a hunk of velveeta while the noodles cook and pour in some WIC milk and the velveeta for a much tastier mac&cheese...:rolleyes: She has the time to both cook what she can and to learn to cook better. Most of those with kids could get jobs and leave the sharks with a friend and they could swip swap so all them could work. But that might cut into there girls time...


Staff In Memoriam
As for the seeds and livestock issue... I don't want it to be the only offering but in my area the majority of residents live in rural settings and a garden and some food animals is a real option... Heck give me $200 per month or more and I would be self sufficient food wise in 9 months time... One calf with momma, 3 pigs, a pen of hens, and a nice garden...


Most of those with kids could get jobs and leave the sharks with a friend and they could swip swap so all them could work. But that might cut into there girls time...
Eh, I dunno about that. Some people don't have the support network that many of us enjoy throughout life. Some people have ended up in ****ty situations through no fault of their own, some people have been intentionally ripped off or screwed over by others and some people simply have really bad luck.

Part of the problem with welfare is that it's really hard to get off it. Once someone does start working they can often be immediately penalized for it by having to pay back money they've taken from the system. Understandable in the long run but when someone is just starting out and trying to get on their feet a little leeway in paying for that system would make more sense.

If we want people to stop abusing the welfare system we need to provide them a way to get off it without punishing them for doing so.
As for the seeds and livestock issue... I don't want it to be the only offering but in my area the majority of residents live in rural settings and a garden and some food animals is a real option... Heck give me $200 per month or more and I would be self sufficient food wise in 9 months time... One calf with momma, 3 pigs, a pen of hens, and a nice garden...
Unfortunately not everyone knows how to raise animals or tend a garden.

Good skills, though. But in urban areas it's just not an option.

oh and before someone comes in here hollerin' "well then they should move!" well guess what, it's pretty damn hard to rent a uhaul and drop a security deposit down on an apartment in east bunnykill, missouri when you can barely afford to keep the lights on in your st louis efficiency


Staff In Memoriam
I just mean it could be an option for the country family where mom and dad lost jobs and need help getting restart. They would greatly benefit. And square foot gardening is pretty easy to do in small places. But it is the point that major rule changes are in order if it is a hand up not out. Education, by forcing them to wisely spend on real food items is a great increase in efficient use of their own funds when this charity expires...


New member
Ok, let me be the mean old grouch. Require drug testing as a condition of getting welfare. Random drug testing is a condition of employement at many of the jobs held by the people whos tax money goes for welfare. Why should the non-productive people have greater rights than the productive? And why should people obeying the law be forced to subsidise the lifestyle of those who don't?


Ok, let me be the mean old grouch. Require drug testing as a condition of getting welfare. Random drug testing is a condition of employement at many of the jobs held by the people whos tax money goes for welfare. Why should the non-productive people have greater rights than the productive? And why should people obeying the law be forced to subsidise the lifestyle of those who don't?
I would probably include blood alcohol tests as well.


New member
i am not sure at the moment how to take this thread. as my family and i are on ebt assistance. i work but its not enough income. poaching is out of the question and so is anything else criminal. yes i buy a hunting license every year. go when i can go. heck i even fish so i can get something else when deer and small game don't come on the table. there are times where thoughts of eating groundhogs from the neighbors that i keep an eye out for when they are i season. as far as the comment that was made about others on ebt welfare or whatever. reproducing and making more people like that. :barf:
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New member
It also seems that a certain segment in Washington,D.C. welcomes low class, mostly illiterate illegals into the country. Then play demogogic political ads in Spanish telling them how they deserve free health care, housing, ect.

I'm sure to dirt poor people who have little or no education and no understanding of our culture this all sounds great. They make nice new constituents for the marxist socialists.

Will someone plz tell me again why letting unskilled, uneducated, unvaccinated, largely illiterate(in Spanish and English) illegals into the country is a good idea.

If we continue to let the country fill up with third world people who aren't assimilating to our culture soon America will be a third world country.

It will be really neat when the anti gun socialists are voted into office by illegals.


I think there's a difference between the dregs of society and real people who are poor.

We all see those newsclips occassionally where someone has grown a 200 lb tomato or a 400 pound pumpkin etc., Why doesn't the gov push that direction so produce is cheaper and more plentiful so people can eat cheaper therefor freeing up some of the rest of their money to do something constructive with? Then there'd be less poor people.

Hasn't anyone noticed that produce is getting smaller. I think that produce used to always grow (giant). Otherwise it couldn't be grown that big, period. We can't even buy real seeds anymore because the gov took them all and poisened or reengineered them to not give more good seeds that can be planted again next year and produce more food. All the good seeds are in a seed bank but we sure cannot go get any for us.

They even pay farmers to not grow on their land. They say its because it would wreck the agriculture industry. That is a crock. They want people dependant on them for control purposes and plan to use food as a weapon in the future. They want people to be malnourished and out of shape so they'll have less resistance and more control. You ever seen a skinney horse? Or an obese horse? They eat produce and greens. Huh.