The future of small arms


New member
Where do you think it will go? I'm thinking that with advancement in energy storage, there will be more electrically-fired designs, progressing to electrically-actuated, and then to electromagic accelerators. Directed energy weapons are a possibility, and have their niche, but I don't think it's small arms - they are just way too inefficient.


New member
I think small caseless rounds are the future, probably electromagnetically accelerated. It'll take a lot to phase out regular cased firearms.



New member
Um, casings aren't an issue with electromagnetically accelerated rounds, because there's nothing for them to hold... there's only the bullets.


New member
Caseless ammo has the severe problem of latent heat removal. Ejected metal shells take an enormous amount of heat with them; caseless rounds leave the heat in the chamber, and cooling becomes a big problem.


New member
Woohoo, rail guns! I know how they work, but are there any actual working prototypes, or actual weapons in production (of any size) that use electromagnetic propulsion to move a bullet or shell? I thought that was still a ways off.


New member
AFAIK, militaries around the world have been experimenting with them as far back as 1960s. However, lack of adequate energy storage solution crippled them - and still does.


New member
Not quite, the Germans were playing with them in the 1940's. Of course, they lost the war, and NIH kept the US from continuing with the research. S/F...Ken M


New member
One thing I haven't heard discussed for a while is liquid propellants injected behind a bullet. Sorta like binary explosives, mix them and they go boom. A few years back there was a flurry of talk about it, then it died out.

It has a few good points... mags only have to hold bullets, so capacity goes way up, fuel is easily stored and replaced in the butt stock, and the injection of one liquid component slightly ahead of the second cools the firing chamber between each shot. Velocity was supposed to be greatly enhanced, too.

Maybe this is one of those things that went "black" and vanished from public discussion?:confused:

I'm still looking for that 3.5mm with the 5000fps MV!


New member
I seriously doubt you will see a major paradigm shif in personal weaponry in the first half of this century. Possibly for the entire century.

Modern firearms have certain drawbacks, but the idea of an energy beam weapon is still science fiction. Now dont go posting some story about some experiment or idea - certainly ray guns are possible I just do not think them practical.

Anytime you have to charge a power source to use a weapon, that seems like you are asking for complications.

Also - rail guns have serious EMP issues, not to mention the fact that over penetration would be INSANE.

Rail guns were considered for missile interception weaponry as the speed of the projectile made it feasable.

You simply do not need a handgun or rifle that shoots a metal slug at 10,000-20,000 fps.

Also - given the current climate, low tech weapons are going to be preferred. Too many people would we weirded out by electronic weapons.


New member
Rambling here.
Rail gun played with prior to 1818....electric energy storage and self destruction of the rails a problem then as of late.

Caseless nearly 150 years old, think Smith n Wesson and Volcanic. Chamber heat as noted above. Fragility of the ammo. AND the problem of how to clear an unfired weapon.

Hypergolic fuel guns require absolutely reliable metering and timing of the two fuels.....or the whole works blows up.

Cool toys tho and be great if somebody gets any of them to work reliably, inexpensively and effectively.

One advantage to bein an old coot. Things keep gettin reinvented.

Not mentioned yet.....plasma discharge for propellant. Bout ten years ago a 900 gr .50 cal slug was fired from a rifle at over 20,000 fps. Much like the rail guns, barrel life was limited to one shot and the capacitor bank would load a deuce n a half.

Sam, just for insurance, I practice with David sling and wrist rocket.


New member
What Bruce in West Oz said

As the Chicago, Maryland, Massachusetts, D.C., California wasting disease spreads NONE of us will be allowed to own small arms. Thus we will be left with whatever guns and ammo of the present designs that we manage to buy and securely hide.


New member
when I was in high school I built a working coil gun, it used solenoids in sequence that propelled a ball bearing, it was shoulder fired and pretty ugly but it would go through a 1/2 inch sheet of plywood without too much trouble. the only drawback was the car battery and inverter.


New member
Gyrojets are a bucket of fun but useless as weapons. They are WILDLY inaccurate, wind acts on the projectiles very badly, and they start grass fires!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
When it comes to Law Enforcment weapons, we are already seeing the future.
Less Than Leathal.

Airpowered guns firing softgell capsuls.

The softgells can be filled with water, pepper spray, or any other chemical or drug. Okay, the water rounds have a shell of actual plastic, not gel - they hurt a lot more. *OUCH*

As a device to make an EDP calm down or change his/her mind... they work very good.


New member
You simply do not need a handgun or rifle that shoots a metal slug at 10,000-20,000 fps
Sure woulda put a different slant on how things turned out at Waco though wouldn't it?
By that I mean of course that the 2nd has little to do with "need". Course it's funny how the things I "need" are usually the things the gvt says I can't have.


New member
Railguns do not necessarily have to shoot at 10,000 fps. You could turn down the voltage. Also, do you remember when they said there would be no need for more than 640K of RAM? Nevertheless, 20,000 fps might be great for a needle gun or a BB gun. Look at the damage caused by small meteorites at a few miles per second. A BB at those speeds would be an instant one shot stop.