The Free State Project


New member
I’ve been following this organization for a bit now, and I thought I’d mention it to my fellow TFLers. You can find them on the web here, and you can read Walter Williams opinion of it here. I would encourage you take the time to look at the Free State Project web site. I am very interested in the various views on this plan. What to the bright TFL minds think of it?


New member
I took a quick look.

My general outlook about the current and future state of the country is not very optimistic. It appears to me that we are heading to a socialist police state. I had thought of this idea (free state) breifly before as a possible solution. It good to see someone is actually persuing this. This would be about my only hope for an actual free state here in the US.

BTW, it was nice to see my home state in the lead on the web site. :)


New member
trying to get a bunch of liberty-minded people to all move somewhere so as to act collectively?

Does the phrase "herding cats" mean anything to you? :p

I think reputation and informal immigration accomplishes at least as much.



Member In Memoriam
Saw a ref to the WWIlliams article on newsmax/worldnetdaily (mumble) 8/7 or so - they've even got the "take a poll" bit.

Kicked the thought around with a few here, but about just at county level. Shoot, some states' counties, you could move in another 30 people & have the majority. ;) Sheriff for CCW-issuance, etc. - plenty-o perks,+

Lots to consider.

At state level, you'd still be subject to fed income tax, & even with a state constitution that provided for succession, they'll still come & shoot you all when y'all get too uppity.

May be nothin'll turn any part of this once-fine land around to what it once was. Not to say we shouldn't try ....

Might just be easier to get us all on a boat & overthrow Belize.


New member
The idea certainly does have a "herding cats" feel to it, but it's better than nothing. The organizers will just have to convince everyone that miracles can't happen over-night, which is what most participants will expect as soon as they move.

Might just be easier to get us all on a boat & overthrow Belize.
Actually, a popular idea at is to build either one huge or a system of large boats and create an anarchists dream-world floating at sea. Why bother with all the work necissary in staging a minor war? ;)


Member In Memoriam

Simply because I like my mangos fresh! ;) & besides, who's talking "minor" here. I'd fully expect we'd have to go in & kick some serious bu++. Not like they'll just give it up to a buncha rednecks.

'Course, the "negotiating team" would show them all the bennies of being part of The Great Experiment. ;)

Seriously though. That "community" I've talked to has an incredible compliment of skill-sets from pharmacists, doctors, LEO-types, engineers, farmers, IT-folk, trade-folk .... runs the gammit fairly well & think it could be a viable & ecconomically valued entity in its own right - not some haggle of "cats" running the streets a la "The 60's." (In CO, within current laws, we could effectively run a CCW program right at current county cost for those in "less than acceptable areas," substantially cutting current "good county" time & make a dandy profit - no taxes - make it a business.)

But, they'd kill us .... (wah!)


There are some precedents for this type of thing, mostly involving religious groups.

>LDS in Utah.

>On a smaller scale, and in more recent times, Bhagwan Shree Rajheesh moved about 3,000 people into rural Antelope, Oregon. They immed. had the voting power to get their members elected to town council positions, and actually renamed the town to "Rajheesh". Ultimately, they were unraveled by denial of building permits at the county level, and they responded by trying to poison said county officials. Ultimately run out of the area, arrested, and had their property (incl. 50-odd Rolls Royces) confiscated.

>Anyone remember Bo Gritz, and his Kamiah, Idaho housing development "Almost Heaven"? Separatist compound against armageddon. Haven't heard much about that lately.

Without the religious fervor (some would call cult worship) to convince followers to sacrifice as necessary to get this type of operation off the ground, its hard to imagine this concept gaining in a secular framework. That is, UNLESS things get a whole lot less comfortable in the country.

Christopher II

New member
Well hell, it's an idea that could drasticaly increase liberty for the folks who want it, and that has a slim chance of working. What's not to like?

Alaska might be the best choice of states to undertake the project in. Low population density, plenty of gov't land to sell off, tons of timber and mineral resources, and Canada would act as a buffer against invasion.

- Chris


New member
Sounds like another dream world Utopia just waiting to be corrupted by some demagogue or clique. If you want an example of how this would run, study the history of condominium homeowners associations and the problems they encounter.

Nice thought , though.:cool:

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
This is a larger version of an idea I had back in 1972. Find a small-population county. Get a dozen or two like-minded, competent self-sufficient people to move there. Blend in and become part of the community.

Make friends and get to know the movers and shakers. Little by little, get into the political process as "one of us". Run for school board, tax assessor/collector, county commission, city council. Get an LEO buddy to get hired on with the sheriff's department, to run for sheriff, later on. And/or police force, working toward appointment as police chief.

Become part of the Establishment. It takes work and commitment, to make a better community. The idea can spread, and neighboring counties can become part of a "Movement".

Ya gotta make your bones. Start at the bottom and work up. These Free State folks are gonna start at the top and work down.

:), Art

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
BigG, if you're talking about that bunch of idiots up in Montana, they were nothing but crooks. They scammed, what, four million bucks with their phoney "bonds", "certificates", etc.?

Same with that doofus from Michigan who moved to Fort Davis, Texas, and started his "Republic of Texas" baloney. I think his bunch scammed for around three million.

These Free State folks are Libertarians who want to take over purely by voting strength and organization. Heck, they could easily take Austin, Texas, if they'd get 20,000 there. The voter turnout in citywide elections is some 9% of 300,000 eligible voters. There is usually a 5%/4% split, so having a 20,000-vote bloc would guarantee a win.

:), Art

Calamity Jane

New member
My take? The Free State Project is an intriguing and gutsy endeavor. It's a nifty idea in theory - hubby and I have been speculating on such a scenario for some years now.

Remains to be seen how it will play out in actuality.

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
The Free State Project does not aim to get 20,000 libertarians to move to one state. The aim is to get 20,000 Libertarian activists to move there


New member
Herding cats - I like that!

I don't think two libertarians could agree what they want, much less get along. :rolleyes:

Byron Quick

Staff In Memoriam
Well, we get along good enough to put together a party platform that makes more sense for the nation than either the Democrats' or the Republicans'. Have you ever read it?


New member
This is an interesting concept regardless of which party is trying it. Let's please not get this thread closed due to petty bickering about political affiliation. Take that elsewhere and ruin your own thread. :rolleyes:

How many here would consider moving to a FSP state after the main group already has? I think that they need to hurry up and pick a state and start moving in as soon as possible. It will be hard to convince people to promise to move without telling them where to. But I think they could probably get quite a few who would tag along after the fact.