The Firing Line's 2015 Photo of the Year!

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Congratulations, Doogle!


Cattlemen at rest ...



New member
Thanks to all who voted. As I mentioned once before...>

...that photo was a test shot for a more "refined" version, which ended up being as shown below.

I enjoy shooting the Uberti Cattleman. They make a decent pistol.

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New member
Congrats Doogle. I admit I like the lighting in your test photo better. The brightness of the watch seems out of place in your second shot. Regardless, nice job!


New member
Fantastic shot. You have lots of talent.

Give a little info. What camera? What speed light box or natural light.

I really like this picture.


New member
Thanks. AzShooter - info on camera, etc...

These were shot with a Nikon CoolPix 8700, an older 8Mp digicam. Lighting was via an overhead fluorescent lamp diffused though draughtsman's tracing material, with some light bounced back into the shadow areas via a reflector card. Shutter speed? I wouldn't know without checking the data. I select aperture to control depth of field and let the shutter speed fall where it will. Probably a couple of seconds or so.


New member
I actually like the first photo better. Might be the background surface, don't like the wood grain in the second photo so much.

And you used two different pocket watches. Surprised you even have two different pocket watches!

Kudos on a great photo!


New member
Yes, somone really messed-up at the Cheerios factory that day...>

Normally it was only the one watch per pack :)
