the film serves to debunk Gun Control, I found it interesting, others might too


New member
An acquaintance sent me the following title and link, Subject: Watch "Virginia Shooting (WDBJ), Gun Control and Hillary Clinton" on YouTube

I have no idea as to what, if any copy write problems there might be re posting this material. I will leave that in the hands of those who know about that sort of thing. Suffice it to say that the speaker made some interesting, down to earth points concerning the fairy tales that are the rhetoric of Gun Control. Should my posting the link create a problem, just eliminate it, as I intend no harm to the site.


New member
Re my earlier post about a film strip that, in my view, serves to debunk the rhetoric of Gun Control, I overlooked an important suggestion to those who might have viewed the 9 minute long film. Viewers might, having seen the film themselves, send the link, along with any appropriate comments to their elected representatives, local, state and federal, for their thoughtful attention.

Don't know why I overlooked the above suggestion other than to offer that "I must be getting old".