the fight is going to a new level.....


New member
Now this is jmo, but assuming bush wins, we came so close to losing in all areas, that I wonder if we could do it again? Either alot of us didnt vote, or voted for others, or there just arent that many of us--and most likely its some combination of the three.
We need to make sure that the elected officials that support our position understand the correct way to read the closeness of this race........they should not assume that they need to act more like democrats, they need to find the republican/conservative base and we need to drive that home, they need to continue to fight for positions we need........the next election is only two years away.......we have to succeed in legislation prior to that.
We need to get focused and energize those elected officials........glad I took the day off.....sheesh...fubsy.


New member
In the end, I think that a lot of gun owning union workers, especally in MI, took a look at the envelope full of $$$ that MAGICALLY appeared in their lunch box with the words "vote union" written on it, and did just that. ;) Just MHO though. ;)

Yeah, I got a permit to carry,it's called the friggin Constitution.---Ted Nugent

"Glock 26: 17 rounds of concealed carry DEATH comming your way from out of nowhere!!! THAT'S FIREPOWER, BABY!!!"

Taurus 605: Five hits of .357 MAG that will just ruin your day, Scumbag!!!!


New member
If you loose, make sure that you take over Senate completely in two
years. At least this way, Gore will have a few problems laying in his
way, and they might even agree on lifting the 94 ban (this AFAIR
requires revoting by both houses; as well as the Prez signature)


New member
Unfortunately, I believe the Republicans will do more of the same: capitulate more to the Democraps' demands and stab us in the back, again, with more "reasonable" gun control laws.

I'd say private, non-paper sales will be the first to go (gun show "loophole"). Then they'll agree to some sort of madatory gun lock and storage bill. And if you believe Bush and the Congressional Republicans (assuming they keep their majority in 2002) will allow the '94 ban to expire in 2004, ha! It would put some soccor mom's panties in a bind!

Of course if there's another rash of school shootings we can expect even more draconian bills to pass and be signed.

[This message has been edited by RMc (edited November 08, 2000).]


New member
with our cynisism its no wonder we turn people ya'll think we have become that way because of our views, or is it our frustration showing......fubsy.


New member
Considering what was thrown at Bush, I'd say we came out all right. The Democrats played their usual last-minute games: scare the seniors, scare blacks, divide economic groups and paint the opponent as unfit for office. Look at the NAACP's ad about the Texas dragging death. Even some of the liberal papers demanded it be pulled, but there's no way Gore's henchmen would play fair. You can always tell when a Democrat is sure that he's winning: he runs positive ads.

On a brighter note, look at what we won. (Assuming the recount is what we think it will be). We have a winner who actually has made a move to change Social Security. If he's successful, the Dem's won't be quite so able to scare the seniors next time. And, if Bush is able to get his tax cut through, those people making under 30K or so who will have no tax liability will find it hard to vote for a tax-and-spender again. And we gun owners will not have someone who's going to push gun control as a political tool. I firmly believe that it's going to be very hard for HCI to get anything past Bush's desk. First they have to get it through a Republican majority in congress and the Senate.

So, let's keep those yahoo's feet to the fire.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.