The family that does crime together ...


New member
... does time together!

Is it any wonder this kid was so messed up?

Mich. School Shooters Dad Arrested

FLINT, Mich. (AP) - The father and three other relatives of the 7-year-old boy accused of shooting a classmate to death were arrested on charges of dealing crack.

The first-grader's paternal grandmother and two aunts were jailed Friday after being arrested on the federal charges. The boy's father was already jailed on an unrelated charge.

Police said the boy shot Kayla Rolland on Feb. 29 with a gun he found in an alleged crack house where his mother, Tamarla Owens, had taken him to live after she was evicted from her home.

Owens, 29, is seeking a divorce from Dedric Owens, 28, her spokesman said.

Dedric Owens' mother, Loys Marie Owens, 55, and his sisters Angela Owens, 32, and April Hightower, 26, were among 24 people arrested during raids at six places in the area, police said.

The four relatives face at least five years in prison if convicted.

This family needed some chastity belts more than they needed any trigger locks.


New member
Ban guns!!

CMOS :rolleyes:

NRA? Good. Now join the GOA!

The NRA is our shield, the GOA will be our sword.