The Factor. -Bill O'Reilly- America's new conscience?


New member
I watch "The Factor" from time to time. It would seem to me that Mr. O'Reilly has over stepped his bounds buy , trying to make the news - rather than report it.

His attitude has changed as his show gained popularity, His latest rant was on the "rapper" who Pepsi - Cola chose as thier spokesperson. His bitch was, the message this sent to all the impressionable kids who drink Pepsi, that the lyrics of this "rapper" were corrupting Americas youth.

Think it's a joke? Pepsi fired there spokesperson, after the report aired on last night's episode of "The Factor".

Now, i'm no big fan of rap music, but whats the difference between Bill O'Reilly and Tipper Gore or Rosie O'Donald ? All think that thier cause is just and right, by who are they to decide what is art and what is not?

Jeeze, i hope Bill's a 2nd ammendment supporter and does not turn his rath on gun owners. Reports should not use thier forums as a pulpit, Bill O'Reilly is not the only well known reporter to do this. Others have agenda's, but are more subtle in thier messages.

Thoughts - comments?

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Member In Memoriam
O'Reilly's entertainment, Rush is entertainment, Hannity is entertainment, Savage is entertainment. None have a firm grasp of constitutional issues although some are "better" than others.

Fox used to be "better," but I have a harder time not throwing stuff at "our conservatives." (As an aside, I am totally disgusted with newsie-graphics. They try to look like a badly-designed website (trendy) & you can't see 1/2 of what they're trying to show you. 'Sides, Fox does have some babes & I wanna see. :p [/grrr] )

Bill O certainly does have his own spin, regardless of what he says.

Just got finished seeing part of him doing the high-fives with our illustrious Guv Bill Owens - "best guv in the world." :barf:

O'Reilly's no friend of the gunnies.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
O'Reilly, a REPORTER????


the man checks his polls and ratings every 3 minutes while on the air. he's a entertainer, an actor, and a damn poor one at that, I expect better proformances from Actors.

"No Spin Zone", yah, right, but he clearly expects us to believe it..


New member
I'll stick with the History Channel and John Wayne reruns for my TV viewing. Can't stand to waste time watching any of the "news" shows. Can learn more, faster, reading Drizzt's articles posted here.:)

BTW, is the name "Drizzt" from the Dark Elf books or from some other source?


New member
As did Blackhawk, I turned him off about a year ago (though every once in a while I stop at the show while channel surfing and the disappointment continues). I actually thought he was pretty good when he first started and enjoyed watching the show, then his head started to swell. After 9/11 is when I thought he became intolerable with his ranting about the government needing to protect us and how they had to "do something." Since then I've found him to have become quite McArthy-istic.


New member
He's an analyst.

One who seems to get it right more often than not as far as I'm concerned. About 80-20, imo.


Member In Memoriam
Ah, but Erik, he also opines as to what the right thing should be a la 12-34hom's first "concerns."

I don't have a problem with anyone voicing their opinion - every talking head does it & at least O'Reilly's up front about it (unlike a Blather, Jennigs-type). Problem I have with our latest craze of "conservatives" is that they'll hold up the constitution as a talisman of legitimacy.

So far so good. But when then pontificating that we should do this or that, they lose much of their credibility with me.

Whole idea behind the constitution/BoRs is that sure, they get to have whatever ideas they want & can voice that freely, but that's where the whole thing stops. The rules are already laid down.

Absconding with our freedoms for the sake of any cause de jour, whether from the right or left, is repugnant to me & reveals a distinct lack of our country's basic tenets.

Blather as they will, if they don't get the basics, the rest is so much mouthings.

TV, radio, newspapers don't make their money from us watching/listening - they make money selling advertisements based on the perceived market share/popularity of the talking head. None of 'em have to be correct in any of their thinking or what they say, they just have to make enough (of us) think so (good ratings) so to bump up the ad rates.


New member
He's "conservative", not libertarian or constitutionalist.

I like him 80/20. He's certainly a breath of fresh air compared to those who pretend they aren't expressing their opinion, yet are straight up far left liberal.

BenW, you should do a little "up to date" research on so called "McCarthyism". Turns out that McCarthy was only one of several such inquiries and that they only persecuted a dozen people. Recently unclassified material proves they really were actual straight up Communist spies reporting directly to Russia.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
O'Reilly is a Populist. He is conservative on some things (most things), but is a victim of his own media on things like the 2nd. I guess what bothers me about him the most is that he comes on the air with his mind made up. I don't like that. There is ALWAYS another side to the argument. State your case and stick to your guns, but leave room for the possibility that your wrong. It's possible, you know. I guess it's his arrogant display ... starting to remind me of CNN's Crossfire. Basically a free-for-all. No thought is allowed to be completed before he interrupts with his already-made-up answer. He doesn't listen. And he bullies.


New member
The difference between O'Reilley and Tipper Gore, as I see it, is that Tipper wanted government to handle things, where O'Reilley went to the public.


New member
Mildly entertaining once or twice. Pompous, populist, moralizing gasbag thereafter. Kasich is a pretty good sub.


New member
I heard O'Reilly state on his show that we could register and license gun owners without affecting our individual rights to own them in the first place.

That is a dangerous if not only naive position, in my view.

I read his book which was OK, but I can't watch his show for any length of time anymore. He has gotten a big head.


New member
Bill Does do some good though, without him the red cross may still be hoarding all that donation money that was donated by so many people for the 9/11 victims. I also like that he reports alot of the things that the main stream media won't dare do.
I applaud him for pointing out what Pepsicola was doing that rapper is the last person we need for a role model and if Pepsi didn't think they were doing something wrong, why did they pull the guy?
Remember when they fired Madonna? I didn't hear anyone complaining about pepsicola saying they were overstepping their bounds when it comes to morality, although I think it is hypacritical to fire her then for her "like a prayer" video, yet hire this idiot.
I didn't know Pepsi fired their spokesperson, I believe they did cut the rapper off.


New member
O'Reilley is like a lot of media types. They initially stake out a position where they establish their reputation. Time goes one and the reputation developes and solidifies. They study the facts and the issues and press. They contact key organizations for help in understanding all sides.

Then at some point they begin to listen to their own press and the comments of their less astute listeners and begin to venture outside their area of concentration (did not say expertise). It starts by making flip and off-hand comments.

O'Reilley is good at muck raking. His work on holding Hollywood's glitteratti accountable for the money they raise in the name of worthy causes was outstanding. Great work on pinning the American Red Cross. Just recently he took Pepsico to task for signing an agreement with some anti-law gangsta rapper. Pepsico caved the next day. Good work Bill O! He very clearly studied up on the facts and issues in all these cases.

His comments about gun registration and other such issues were not studied. I heard the comments to which this thread refers. He said, "What the second amendment means to me . . . ." I started screaming at the TV, "Bill, it don't matter what it means to you. It matters what it means in law. . . ."

I suspect that if he were tutored in the facts of what is happening in the RKBA world his opinion would be different that what it was right out of the box.


New member
I like Bill. Do I agree with everything he says? No, but then again, I wouldn't agree with most of you on everything. But I am still proud to be a regular contributor to TFL.

As far as having too much power, the same is said about the NRA. Bill O'Reilly may not have any "members", but he has a loyal following. I say if you've got the power, use it. Just be expect to be held accountable later.


New member
I had mentioned in another post about O'Reilly that he had succumbed to the twin pitfalls of fame: ego and hubris (with an emphasis on the latter). That said, his work to get the 9/11 charities to cough up the dough they were hoarding was exemplary. What I have found interesting, however, is his seeming surprise at the liberal left wing establishment and entertainment elites who brand him publically as "Conservative." After all, he insists he's an "Independent." What he is beginning to understand is that the left in this country brands anyone who is not left of Mao Zedong as "Conservative" irrespective of their true political orientation. What O'Reilly regards as common sense the limousine liberals call reactionary. That's why Alec Baldwin refers to O'Reilly and his colleagues as "those fascists at Fox."