The face of evil...


Staff Alumnus
No, for once i'm not talking about Clinton.

I got this match pack from a buddy that works at the NSA several months ago. They distribute it in other countries in hopes that a 5 million dollar reward leads to something.

I saw it in my desk drawer today and it brought chills down my spine.

grrr give me 30 minutes with this bastard!

Usama Bin Laden



New member
and here I thought evil looked like....


(Inappropriate links deleted - Coinneach)

sorry I couldn't get the image to show.....

Disclaimer: although this picture is not pornographic in nature whatsoever there are links on the page that COULD take you to sites that are so inclined. as a side note... there is a good deal of good pictures and footage of the recent attack in the archives... including the first plane hitting the WTC

well... I guess I can't even get it to work like that.... go here instead:
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Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Very much so. Please remove it, BJ. Generally if you wouldn't bring it out at your family reunion you shouldn't link to it here. Some of us surf TFL with kids on our laps.


New member
jeez guys....

I am truly sorry if I offended any of you.... however if you'll note... the picture that I was attempting to show you all was of a kitten pouncing across the grass.

incedentally I was not able to post the link directly to the pic so I put a link to the page containing it.... that link had a disclaimer AND has some footage of the recent incidents that I personally have not seen anywhere else.

again... I certainly did not mean to offend any of you but to help keep you informed.....

I will now try to figure out some way to post that pic.... as it is quite cute...... and certainly something you can look at with your children.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
When you see the reaction of the Arab equivalent of Joe Sixpack, dancing in glee, you can understand why Bin Laden is so hard to get hold of. For all practical purposes, he has an almost infinite sea in which to be a fish.

His vulnerability is that he must both move and communicate in order to continue his activities. If he wished to go into some sort of retirement, he'd be very difficult to track.



New member
I saw a photo of Bin Laden online today somewhere (USA Today maybe) and he had blue eyes. I thought it very odd at the time. Do you think they were trying to make his appearance a little more evil than it already is (ala the "blacker" OJ Simpson photo)?