The FAA is not your friend


New member
The FAA is not your friend. It is the friend of Airlines. All this BS that we have been hearing for years about "pilot error" is not true the majority of the time. The FAA regulations are made up by them. It does not need congressional approval. The regulations are the whim of entrenched bureaucrats. Maybe you heard of the Bob Hoover case. Bob Hoover is one of the best pilots in the world. He has been an airshow performer for years. He flew the "chase plane" for Chuck Yeager's breaking of Mach. Chuck Yeager has been quoted that "Bob Hoover is the best pilot I know". One day Bob was doing his show and 2 FAA inspectors decided he wasn't sharp enough. No accidents, no incidents, no problem, they just thought he wasn't good enough. So they suspended his pilot's license. He had to fight for 5 years to get it back. The FAA's own doctors said everything was OK, it was just these 2 inspectors that the top FAA guns would not reverse. Bob obtained an Australian pilot's license and continued to perform all over the world except for the good old USA where the FAA said he wasn't good enough. If they could do that to Bob Hoover, just think what havoc they are wreaking on the rest of us ordinary folk. Beware of FAA solutions to aviation problems. They are out to justify their existence and their huge budget. Quantrill