The exact words of S&W sellout

Brian Bilby

New member
You people who keep sticking up for Smith need to go here and read the exact 15 page agreement, not the 3 page summary that HUD and Smith promotes as it hides the truth.

Here are a couple of the exact word for word criteria to become a Smith authorized dealer with the ramifications to dealers, distributors and us-

Page 7 section H- Reagarding dealers and distributors-

"Shall not sell ammunition magazines that are capable to accept more than 10 rounds regardless of the date of manufacture, not sell any semi-automatic assault weapons as defined in 18 U.S.C 921 (a)(30) regardless of the date of manufacture, provide safety locks and warnings with firearms as specified in section 1 above, and sell only firearms that comport with the design criteria of this agreement"

This tells dealers and distributors that they cannot sell pre-ban high cap mags, assault weapons or handguns without chamber loaded indicators, internal locking device and manually operated safety. Good bye Sig, 1911's and Kahrs. This is what kills Smith.

It all boils down to this. I hear people say that we're ganging up on Smith, splitting our forces like the antis want. Sorry, but Smith already did that by not sticking with the other manufacturers and worse of all and this is the important part, signed a deal that would split the industry by keeping other manufacturers goods out of the chain and make them redesign those guns to meet Smiths criteria. That's bullsh-t folks. They split up our forces, took away our rights and set back the industry in their efforts to fight this crap. Smith is losing dealers and distributors left and right because of this and they will go bankrupt. Not because of us wanting to kick their ass, but because those dealers and distributors will not carry their goods due to Smiths own regulations which would financially destroy those dealers and distributors. Already Clinton and his thugs are trying to punish those companies that haven't sold out too, and they said this is a good STEP in the right direction. Smith opened the floodgates to gun prohibition and got drowned in the process.



Got a favorite dealer who sells US GI 20 round mags? Got a favorite dealer who sells AR's? Got a favorite dealer who sells Glock hi caps? Got a dealer who sells your favorite 1911? Sorry, can't buy Kimbers, Para's, etc anymore. Got a favorite gunsmith who specializes in custom 1911's? Sorry, can't order from them anymore. They are out of business coz S&W just f**ked em.

If you truly want to support your local dealers and gunsmiths, boycott S&W, they sold us out.

[This message has been edited by Svt (edited March 23, 2000).]


I agree! As long as S&W remains bound by the terms of this agreement, we should have nothing to do with them. However, I think that we should come up with a plan (and maybe a boycott will do it) to get them to violate the terms of this agreement. After all, it is just a contract and not a law. If they violate the agreement, they will lose their "preferred buyer" status and once again be subject to possible lawsuits. They need to be convinced that violating the contract and it's consequences is worth it to come back into favor with their ex-customer base because very frankly, we can't afford to lose one of our largest gun makers.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by TC: S&W has been in the gun business far too many years not to know what the outcome of their decision would bring. S&W like Colt will have to justify to their stock holders why the sudden drop in sales and the loss of monies. I have mixed feeling about this myself; On the one hand I say screw S&W let them die as I will never support them again, but on the other hand I see this as a Communist ploy to over throw the gun world by having a nationwide boycott aginst S&W. I do not believe we can really afford to lose a manufacture in the gun world as large as S&W, and yet we can not afford to keep them as they may attempt to influence others to join them. Damned if we do and Damned if we don't.[/quote]

Brian Bilby

New member
Unfortunately FUD, that's not the case. Read the last line of the agreement "This agreement will be entered and is enforceable as a <I>court order</I> and as a contract."

This means that since it's a court order, Smith can be taken to court and sued for breeech of contact and also the court could fine Smith every day the agreement is not adhered to. They could lose millions on this alone. Springfield got nailed by the government years ago on a military contract they tried to play around with and it bit them in the ass.



New member
I can only hope that, as a last resort, free enterprise and the laws of supply and demand will aleviate this situation, i.e., other gun makers will step into the gap. For example, maybe Freedom Arms can ramp up their production and offer a new line of lower priced revolvers, or Ruger will come out with some new models. Still, its a crime to see such a great American tradition die (or rather, commit suicide).

Mike in VA

New member
This is truly nauseating. The rotten little crypto-Nazis in the Klinton administration can't get real laws passed because the public won't stand for it and Congress isn't THAT stupid, so they pull a cheap end run. This seems to have some restraint of trade implications as well, why would any dealer in his/her right mind sign up for this crap?? It would appear that S&W just poisoned it's own well, their only course now is to open their own stores or have a dedicated channel (very expensive), or simply abandon the civilian market (is Taurus publically traded? I schmell an opportunity). How utterly, utterly stupid. No more Smiths for me. Gag. M2