The Esme Kenney Murder, some thoughts.

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New member
I posted this on, but thought it might get some traffic here as well.

For those of you who haven't been following it, here's a summary and a time line of the crimes the accused murderer has committed.

What strikes me most.

• March 1, 2009 – Kirkland is accused of breaking into 860 Ridgeway Ave., hiding in the bathroom and attacking Frederick Hughes with scissors. Hughes suffers at least 10 stab wounds but survives. Kirkland flees. A warrant is issued for his arrest on charges of aggravated burglary and felonious assault.

It has occurred to me that by taking responsibility for our own safety, we are also ensuring the future safety of others. If only Mr. Hughes had been armed when Mr. Kirkland broke into his home, and had legally defended himself with deadly force, Esme Kenney might still be alive today.

How about.

• March 5, 2009 – Kirkland is accused of threatening Roberta Baldwin, the mother of his child, with a knife. He flees and another warrant is filed against him on charges of domestic violence, aggravated menacing and violation of a protection order.

It sure is a shame Ms. Baldwin didn't protect herself from her attacker. It's ok though, the police took care of it after the fact, right?

March 8, 2009:
3:45 p.m. - Esme Kenney, 13, goes for a jog near her house in Winton Hills.

4:15 p.m. - Esme's parents call police when their daughter is late returning home. Police begin looking for her.

11:30 p.m. - Police find Kirkland sleeping against a tree in the woods near Esme's house. Her watch and iPod are in his pocket, police say.

March 9, 2009 - Police find Esme's body in the woods at 3:10 a.m., about 100 yards from where they found Kirkland sleeping. She was strangled and the lower part of her body burned. Authorities say her attacker attempted to sexually assault her. Police arrest Kirkland and charge him with murder.

Instead of a dead BG we have a bright, innocent, 13 year old girl with the rest of her life spread out before her, killed, raped, and defiled by a 40 year old waste of air. What's even better is that in all likelihood Mr. Kirkland will be provided free room and board for the rest of his life, paid for by us.

I'm beginning to think that if any situation arises in which we are legally justified to shoot a criminal committing a crime, we are then not only morally obligated to shoot, but morally obligated to shoot, very well.

Rehabilitation DOES NOT EXIST. Mr. Kirkland is a shining example of that.


New member
I'm in NKY and this is a terrible, terrible case. I can't believe that this guy was still out on the street after already committing one horrific murder, not to mention the crimes you listed above.

Clearly this is a case in point that the system failed.

It is also a reminder why people should take their safety into their own hands. The police can't protect you at all times and the system doesn't always work. Granted this was a 13 year old girl, but this could have as easily been your wife or girlfriend taking a job that morning.


New member
It is also a reminder why people should take their safety into their own hands. The police can't protect you at all times and the system doesn't always work. Granted this was a 13 year old girl, but this could have as easily been your wife or girlfriend taking a job that morning.

What's horrible to me, is that there were two adults that could have taken responsibility for their safety, and prevented the defenseless 13 year old girl from having the last moments of her life be horrible and terrifying.

Here's a girl that goes for a jog on one of the first nice days of the year. I'm sure she wasn't worried about running into one of the Mr. Kirklands of the world. She was probably thinking about the coming summer, or about some boy from school, or, well you get the idea...

In all the endless scenarios we bring up about "Would you shoot in XXXX scenario" no one ever brings up what happens if you don't shoot, and someone goes on to do this.

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't think I could live with myself if someone I had let go, went on to do something this horrible. This entire thing has really changed my outlook on the world, and at this point I didn't think that was possible...


New member
Just more proof of what I've been arguing for years. The mindset that makes a person want to prey on innocent people, is a mental defect that makes the defective less than human, and the only cure is death.

Bud Helms

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That's all I'll say.

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