The door-to-door gun confiscation has begun...


New member
"The warrant accused Beck of posing as a deputy U.S. marshal and stockpiling weapons, the U.S. Marshals Service said."

The charge of impersonating a marshall appears to be a ruse.

Go to for the story.


New member
Fox is reporting prior convictions for impersonating and burglary, and that the convictions were felonies.

Accordingly, posession of a single firearm, let alone a "stockpile", would appear to be a crime.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I haven't heard any info about any charge being a ruse--what are we talking about here? Share info, please.


New member

You see, Mr. Gwinn, some one, somewhere posted that the charge might be a ruse. Then someone said it probably was a ruse. Now it is a ruse. The fact that all the media outlets are claiming that the facts and particulars related to issuance of the warrant are on the up and up merely CONFIRMS this fact. Spin. Disinformation.

Don't let the facts that he was a felon, probably a nut job, and that he murdered a cop get in the way of a good old fashioned conspiracy theory and associated rant.

Remember, he owned guns (so he must be a good guy) and the ATF was involved (so they *must* be in the wrong). Failure to believe this means your tinfoil hat is not properly adjusted.

Mike :rolleyes: