The Die Is Cast

Ronin 99

New member
Two weeks ago my mind was set. My new gun was going to be a Sig P229 in.40 liberty. Went to a range to fire one before I made my final decision and was quite happy with my choice. There was a Les Baer rental in the case also so I figured,what the heck,when would I get the chance to shoot one of these again so.... Lost all reason,Sig went out the door,hadda get a 1911. Looked at a Colt Gold Cup(used) and decided,yup,this is it but I couldn't get the Les Baer out of my head. Finally rationalized that if I bought the Colt I was only going to upgrade at a later date and it would be cheaper to buy the Les Baer now. Put down half yesterday on a Premier 2 which should be in next week. I may be the latest victim of 1911 addiction and I'm wondering if there's a Browning House where I can detox if it gets too bad. Really hard to wait the week and trying to be an adult about it,what an incredibly beautiful weapon. On the downside,my girlfriend's street adress is 1911 and she see's this as a sign from above indicating we are meant to be together. A menage a' trois? Get out the straitjacket?
Ronin :)



Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello, sir. I cannot speak to the female aspects of your post as such selections there are even more subjective and personal than with fine arms! I fear that there is no cure for the "galloping gunorhea" that you've contracted! (But, it ain't a bad way to go!)

Eric of IN

New member
Ain't it funny how a 1911 can seduce a man 89 years after it's design? Welcome to the addiction, there is no cure, but the disease aint a bad way to go.

Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.