The CZ that never was........

Eric Larsen

New member
Well Ive got a thing for CZ's......not just regular CZ's but customs I made or just something with a twist. A while ago I ran across a CZ PCR/PO1 hybrid that a friend had and I ended up with it. After talking with people who are CZmarter than I am Ive come to some conclusions......

A little history is in order. The CZ 75Compact D is the PCR', it was the first alloy frame Compact CZ released. It started the PO1's evolution or the gun is its DADDY per sae. When CZ brought out the PO1 they had such high hopes for the gun they planned on dropping the PCR altogethor......stupid, IMO but that was the plan.

When they planned on killing my beloved PCR they decided to get rid of the left over parts for the way to do this is to put the slides on the PO1's frame and sell the gun as a cross over which is uncommon, even rare but not unheard of. Thats what I thought my gun is...............or was.

Heres a pic of the PO1 as CZUSA sells them with the Nato approval stamp on the frame.

Now on this pic notice how the vertical part of the frame drops down right above the rail. This is how ALL PO1's sold in the states are.

Heres a pic of the Press Intro from the CZUB site as the gun was being introduced to the World. Notice the frame in the same spot, its straight.

My thoughts on this and some @ CZUSA are this gun was a prototype and was machined for evaluation purposes. Also the gun in the pic is labeled CZ 75D Compact......not PO1. This also supports the prototype theory, as isnt marked PO1.

Gun frames are machined until they "get it right" and then the final version is sent to be measured, CAD CAM'd and manufactured by the chosen process.
This would explain the difference in the frames

Now heres a pic of my 'Hybrid PCR/PO1".....

Its the same frame as the Prototype on the CZUB site with the straight line instead of the drop down style. Also you can see the Picatinny rail locking lug under the frame isnt cut through, only started on both sides.......Thus it has a rail but no light can be locked into place. This would support my theory of the prototype frame. In a production frame, this would cut through as to actually use a light.

I think Ive got a CZ PO1 machined prototype frame with the PCR slide. All of
the serial #'s match as they came from CZ.

CZUSA has never seen this gun least not in person. I sent Jason, the head of marketing who's a business associate/customer of mine, an email with pics of it. His reply only had 1 sentence in it.
"Where the *#&^% did you get that?" :D

Theres my tale of my CZ that never was. At least not according to CZUSA.
But I like it anyway.......ALOT! :D

Shoot well...........


New member
I really need to take a look at the compact CZs. There is a fellow at our local toy show that usually has a table of CZs, and will have some of the compacts. Perhaps I should linger longer this time.




New member
My CZ that never was -- but I certainly wish they would produce -- in a 97B based 10mm.

chris in va

New member
Sometimes I think CZ does this sort of thing just for fun. You gotta have a sense of humor to combine the P01 frame with the 40B slide... :rolleyes: :p