The Cornered Cat


New member
I found something here last night that I thought people should know about.

It's a gun website aimed at women, but men can learn a thing or two, especially after I read a few "I'm getting a gun for my wife/girlfriend" threads.

The advice column "Dear Gunhilda" is funny, too. :D

It's THE CORNERED CAT, at , written by one of the members of this forum.

The Doc gives it a Thumbs Up and he is out now. :cool:
It's one of the first websites I found when trying to determine a way to pick the best carry gun for me. It may be written from a woman's perspective but the advice given is largely for either gender.

The tips on how not alienate a female with guns is excellent, not to mention the child safety advice and tips. And being a web developer I can appreciate the amount of time that went into writing, publishing, and maintaining it.