The Ciener .22 Conversion Units


New member
Just purchased the Ciener .22 Conversion Unit-Target Model-for my Browning
HP. First range session, numerous failures to eject, feed, go into battery.
Came home, looked it over, applied a tiny amount of Break Free to the rails,
worked it back and forth, soon working smoothly. 2nd range session, reliability 90% with the Remington high velocity ammunition they recommend'
also reliable with W-W Wildcats, less so with CCI blazers. Accuracy...well, let's just say I need practice (the range that was 15 minutes from home closed in 2003). I recall the old rule of thumb that a new semi-auto should
have 200 rounds through it to break it in, I will do that with this one. I also
have the Ciener unit for my Colt Marl IV, that worked fine from the start.
I recommend the conversion units, they let you get in low cost practice (I
have gotten away from reloading, tsk tsk) with a favorite handgun and give
you another handgun without all the hassles.


New member
I've had this unit on a 1911 frame for many years. It works great and can be quite accurate, but it does like high velolcity ammo and needs to be brushed out and oiled every 150 rounds or so.


Fun shooters for very little money...



New member
I have a Ciener for my Browning ( and my Kimber) . I've had no problems iwth feeding nor ejection. The only problem I had was loading the magazines. The rounds wanted to jam. Took the magazines apart and a little polishing on the followers and Breakfree now they work like a charm. However I also found out they like to be cleaned every 2 to 3 hundren rounds. The unit on my .45 works every time with out a bobble nor a burp also .


New member
No problems with mine, here's the groups it will shoot. Only use high velocity ammo, been very pleased with the results.



New member
I've been using a Ciener AR-15 converter for some time. Generally I like it, but as with many of the pistol-conversions above, it likes some ammo brands better than others. Remington will generate FTEs every other round. CCI functions flawlessly, as does the big Federal value-pack. It needs to be well lubricated and functions better if cleaned every 200 rds or so.

My only complaint about Ciener is their "customer service". I ordered their 3-magazine special a while back, and it took them nearly 2 months to deliver. I'd call, but no one ever picked up the phone.

Generally, though, I really like my converter. If I shot as much .223 as I do .22, I'd be in the poor house by now for sure!