The chicken or the egg?

G'day, this is not about chickens, or eggs.
My question is actually about what comes first, second, third etc.
The 'game'?
The projectile?
The distance?
The cartridge?
The action?
The cost?
The rifle?
The desire?
What else have I missed?
I would like to know what logic, if any, that people use to select their hunting gun/caliber?
Any other thoughts along the lines of, 'How to select'?
Thanks for your help.


New member
wow this shoulders well
research how it is
tackdriver, okay, lets see cost of ammo
not bad, buy it


New member
For my "odd" guns (not run of the mill hunting)

-Notice something "that's different"
-Check price of ammo
-Go home
-Research what it is
-See if it's still there a week later
-If still available, buy it
-If not, add it to wish list, and keep an eye out for another

-That's how I aquired my Marlin 5510 "Original Super Goose 10", Laurona Over/Under 12ga, and I learned about Mosin 91/30's and M44's. The Mosins are on my wish list, vut a second M44 popped up at Cabela's last week.
I like flat shooters with the highest velocity and energy I can get, with a lot of load options, thus my 7mmRM Remington 700 SPS, a few better choices while obeying my criteria, but 7mm sounds the coolest:cool: